Artist 101: Lesson 1

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Let us start this artventure with a quick lesson.
(My lessons has a bit of rant-ish feel to it...just a warning. Don't get offended ok?)

Artist 101 Lesson 1 contains some stuff that I'd like to share with you like what not to say to an artist, what not to do. Please keep in mind that most (or all idek) of these are from my point of view only 😃.

Things not to say or do to an artist and why:

(1) OMG you are such a great drawer!
-I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by this. People, we are not something you can place inside a room and put multiple pieces of *trash in. We are called artists. ARTists. ARTISTS. Have we reached an understanding?

*trash » my way of saying 'random things'

(2) Comparing their art to another artist's art.
-Ok, most of the time I see in comments things like 'EEEK! What are you saying? You're art is so much better than [*IAN's]!' (or vice versa).
Sometimes they say 'thank you' and sometimes they say 'not really' but I mostly like artists that tells em off KINDLY that they shouldn't compare an artist to another. Keep this in mind kids, each and every artist has their own style of art, different experiences and insights. DO NOT COMPARE OK?! ok.
-though on the other hand, some artist likes it when people compare their (present) art to their past art. People who points out that they have improved in many ways! The artist will feel like their efforts actually payed off 😃.

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