"I'm glad you're concerned and you care but if I like a guy, you're are not gonna stop me from getting with him." I told him. "I'm the big sister so stop worrying about me. I can handle myself."

"Whatever Legacy, I'll see you at lunch." He said then walked away.

I knew he was aggravated with me just like I was aggravated him right now. He's always tryna act like he's my big brother when he's younger than me. Anyways, at least I know by lunch we'll be okay again.

I went to the front office to get my schedule and I had a tough time finding my homeroom. Finally, right when the warning bell rang, I found it at very bottom floor. Homeroom went by quickly considering people kept talking to me since a few people in my class were fans. After our teacher showed us our lockers, we were dismissed to go to first period.

I had trouble finding that class too. This school was huge and I knew I wouldn't have time to search everywhere for my class. This is one of those moments when I have to push away my shyness and ask someone for help. "Excuse me," I said to a girl that was getting her stuff out her locker next to me. She was a tiny bit shorter than me, a little thick, light skin with shoulder length hair. "I'm new here and I'm having trouble finding my classes. Could you help me? Please?"

She turned around and gave me a warm, pretty smile. "Sure, lemme see your schedule."

I handed over my schedule. "Ohh, we have all the same classes!" She beamed. "Stick with me and I'll teach you everything you need to know about Cedarwood."

"That'll be great, thanks."

We both closed our lockers and headed down the hall. "I'm Aleah, by the way." She said after a few moments of silence.

"Ava but you can call me Legacy."

She stopped. "You're the Legacy everyone's been talking about?"

I chuckled shyly. "Yeah, that's me."

"Girl, you're nothing like I expected." She said and continued walking again.

"What do you mean?"

"I expected you to come in here with a bad bitch vibe, tryna run shit. I thought you were gonna be one of them cocky bitches."

I chuckled. "Nah, I'm not like that."

"They got one thing right though."


"You're very pretty." She smiled at me.

I blushed. "Thanks. You're gorgeous yourself." I said truthfully. Aleah was very beautiful. She had baby like features and flawless skin.

"Oh stop." She said and playfully rolled her eyes.

We walked up the stairs and stopped at the first door we saw. We walked in the class room and I immediately noticed Cali and his crew in the back of the class. The stud noticed me first and tapped him before pointing at me. That's when they all shifted their attention to me and I immediately felt uncomfortable. "That's my brother and his loser friends." Aleah said in a annoyed tone. "Let's sit in the front."

We quickly chose a seat in the front in the middle row. Just as we sat down the bell rang and more students came rushing in followed by the teacher. He walked over to his desk and picked up a sheet of paper. "Good morning class. My name is Mr. Wolff but by the looks of this list, it seems like a few of you already know me." He eyed the back of the class with a unpleased look. A few students snickered as Cali and his crew just smirked. "For those of you who know me, you know my drill. Against the wall." He ordered and everyone got up and stood against the wall.

Legacy (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now