Chapter 1.

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Ember's POV.

    Today is the day! In all of my 17 years of life, I never thought I would get a job at Disneyland! That's right! The real Disneyland! My friend, Katie, got me a job there and I couldn't be happier! I hop out of bed and don't even bother to fold the sheets back. I run into the bathroom and wash my hands and face. I get in the shower and take a quick one. I might as well tell you some things about me as I get dressed.

   Well, my name is Ember and I'm 17. I'm still living at home (obviously). I live with my mom and my cat, Scruffy. My dad left when I was really little, but why kill the happy mood with that story? Anyway, I'm not too short. I guess 5.4 and a half is kinda short for a 17 year old. I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat. I just tend to have a double chin when I'm texting. I'm in that awkward body stage. I have shoulder length brown hair and thick, sideswept bangs. I also got a job at Disneyland! Oh yeah. I already told you that. Sorry, I'm just so excited!

   To be honest, I don't really know what job I have yet. I know that sounds bad, but who cares!
It's freakin' Disneyland! How bad can it be? Since I don't know what my job is, I dress in running shorts, and a simple purple shirt. I tie my hair in a cute, messy ponytail (however messy a ponytail can be with shoulder length hair) and tie a cute bow at the holder. I put on light makeup: foundation, blush, and some mascara. I put on two different socks and sigh I literally don't have a pair of actual matching socks in the whole house. It really sucks.

   Anyways, I tie my shoes tightly, grab my phone, and head out the door. I've had my license for 4 months now. I know what you're thinking. Why on earth didn't I get it when I was 16? Welcome to my mother. She's super overprotective. I mean, I guess I understand. I guess she's afraid that one day I'll leave too. Which, I will. When I move out. But I have to cut her some slack. She's afraid of being alone. But who isn't?

   Did I mention it's only 6:50 in the morning? No? Well I'm mentioning it now. I'm so tired. The park opens at 8:00 and I have to be there at 7:30. But I can't complain. For my first job ever being at Disneyland, I'm not going to say a word of complaint.

   I eventually pull into the parking lot and sigh with happiness. What will my job be? A princess? Probably not. I'm not pretty enough for that. Work at a snack stand? Wouldn't be bad at all. I'll be in Disneyland from 8:00 to 6:00. Whatever job is fine with me.

   I walk to the gates and a boy smiles at me. His name tag says "Grayson". He has brown hair with blonde highlights in it. He has hazel eyes that light up when he smiles. He holds out his hand and I take it.

  "Hey, I'm Grayson. Which you probably know. Cause I have a name tag," he stutters, looking down.

   Hey look at that. We are both awkward. Samesies!

  "I'm Ember. Nice to meet you. First day too?" I ask, shaking his hand tightly.

  "Yeah. It's weird though. I have no idea what job I'm doing," he says.

   I smile. "Neither do I. I hope it's something good though," I add.

  "Yeah, me too. Maybe we'll get a job together," Grayson says.

  "Yeah, maybe," I feel myself blushing and I look down.

  "You two the newbies?" a deep voice startles me.

   I turn around and see a short, rather large man walking towards us. I nod and Grayson shakes his hand. He hands me a name tag with my name on it and I pin it to my shirt.

  "Do you know what jobs we have?" I ask.

  "Yes ma'm, I do," he says.

  "I don't care what it is. I'm just glad to be in Disneyland," I say.

   The man looks up at me. "You're not actually going inside the park, Ember," he says.

   My smile fades and I glance at Grayson who shrugs. "What do you mean?"

  "You're the ticket taker. Right out here in front of the park," the man says, gesturing to the ticket stand.

   My shoulders stoop over. "Really?"

  "Do you want it or not? $10.00 an hour." the man says.

   I'm not actually in the park at all. But it's ten bucks and I could use some new shoes. I cross my arms and put on a tight smile. "Sounds great."

   The man then turns to Grayson and smiles. "You'll be running the Haunted House."

   The man walks away with Grayson, leaving me alone. I go over to the ticket stand and go inside it. At least I'm shaded from the sun, right? I can't help feeling disappointed. I pull out my phone and the time says 7:45. People will be getting here soon.

  "Hey, Ember, right?" a voice says.

   I look up from my phone and a girl is standing in front of me. She smiles and holds out a small vest with pockets.

  "Yeah, it is," I say, taking the vest.

  "I'm just here to run a few rules about ticket taking," she says.

   When she's done, I nod. I got this. Simple rules a 5 year old could follow for ten dollars. I'm liking this better and better!

   The people start pouring in and I follow the rules Sidney gave me. It's easy enough. Take the ticket, give the person a wrist band, and send them on their way. Seemed a lot more complicated when I was the customer back when I was a kid for some reason. Around 12:30 Sidney comes back and takes her shift. I go into the park for the first time and try to find something to eat. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.

  "Wanna eat lunch with me?" Grayson says. "I'm alone."

   I smile. "Sure."

   I get a burger and follow him to a seating area. We sit down and begin to eat.

  "Tell me about yourself," I say.

  "Ok," Grayson says. "I actually live on the border of Oregon."

  "Are you staying with family or something?" I ask.

  "No. It's about an hour and a half drive. Not too bad, but I would rather just stay here," Grayson says.

  "You can stay with my mom and me!" I say, before I realize what I'm saying. I literally just met him! My mom would kill me if I brought him home.

   He laughs and I feel better. "Thanks."

   I smile. "My break's over," I say, about 30 minutes later.

  "Mine too," Grayson says.

   I throw my lunch trash away. "See you after it closes?" Grayson says.

  "Sure!" I say, happily.

   Grayson is really fun. I'm glad I made a friend. I go back to my ticket stand, not happy to see the line about 1,000,000 miles long. I take my post back and smile, thinking about Grayson. Maybe it won't be too bad here.

First chapter of After Hours is up!

I hope you like it!

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