"I think so." She said to me, "I got you. Dad. Miss Lee. I got the important things. So yeah, I got everything."

"Did you get your phone?" Roman asked her.

"Crap!" She shouted while taking off full sprint into the house.

Roman laughed and pulled her phone out of his back pocket, "Classic."

"Be nice to her." I say while pushing his shoulder.

"I am nice to her." He said while pulling me closer to him and gently placing his lips on mine.

"You two cut it out." AJ said while separating us, "It's a long way to Florida, and I don't need you both acting like horny teenagers the whole trip there."

Roman rolled his eyes but smiled at her, "We won't."

"We are invited to the wedding, right?" Summer asked with a hopeful smile.

"Well duh." I say to her as I smile down at my left hand, the sight of the 18-carat bringing a smile to my face.

Exactly a week after I was suppose to be married, Roman took me on a trip to the Bahamas along with AJ while Jojo stayed here with her mom.

After a long walk on the the beach with the sun setting behind us and a long, thoughtful and ever so sweet speech that brought tears to my eyes, he had asked me the question of a lifetime and I waisted no time saying yes.

There was really no telling how much Roman actually spent on this thing, but hell, he could have gave me a freaking plastic ring and I still would have said yes. I wasn't messing up with him anymore.

"Of course you guys are." Roman said as Randy walked over and gave me one last hug, "It wouldn't be a good wedding if you all weren't there."

"Did I hear wedding again?" Joelle asked as she came out of the house, "I am so the flower girl so everybody back off."

"Aren't you a little too old to be a flower girl?" Roman asked her and she glared at his hand.

"Is that my phone?" She asked while crossing her arms.

"Do I pay the phone bill?" Roman asked her, "Yes I do. So no, this is actually my phone, I just let you use it."

She sighed, "Can I please see your phone then?"

"Sure." Roman said while handing her phone back to her.

"What did I say about being nice?" I say while pushing him again and he laughed.

"Alright." Roman said once he had finished laughing, then glancing at his clock, "We may wanna get going before traffic starts. I wanna get on the interstate before 10. So everyone start getting in."

"Oh god, this is really happening now." Paige said while wiping her eyes, "I'm gonna miss you, babe."

"I'm gonna miss you too Paige." I say while hugging her again.

"Don't worry about us." Randy said to me as I let her go, "Well be fine. Just remember to call."

"I will." I say to him while giving another hug, then Summer, Nikki and John, "As soon as we get there, I will."

I sighed as all of us walked over to the car, Joelle and AJ already in the back seat while Roman was getting in the drivers seat.

"You say bye to Seth and Dean?" I asked him, realizing they weren't here.

"I'll see them on Monday." He said to me with a small smile, "There not signing with Anon'i enterprise anymore, and they plan on helping me start of the HQ."

"They're so sweet." I say with a small laugh.

"They're demons that look good in suits." Roman said with a small laugh and starting up the car.

I looked out the window and waved to the others, "I love you guys!"

"We love you too!" They all shouted back while waving as we started driving off.

I was trying to blink back tears of disappointment because I really was leaving for the better. It wouldn't be the last time I saw them, it was just hard to say goodbye.

"Are we there yet?" Joelle asked as we made a turn.

"I'm not gonna put up with you saying that every ten minutes." Roman mumbled and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It was a joke, Jesus." Joelle said with a small laugh as she turned on her phone.

"So am I upgrading my status from 'maid' to 'nanny'?" AJ asked.

"You can call yourself whatever you want AJ." Roman said to her with a laugh.

"One more question." AJ said.

"Shoot." Roman said to her.

"When are you making me some grandkids?" She asked Roman and I laughed just from the expression on his face while Joelle chanted 'Babies' from the back seat. Every was absolutely perfect.

What He Doesn't Know • book one (complete) (AU) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat