Chapter 8

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We race up to get away Daniel pulling me along as we all go to split up Jack getting ready with the tracking device so that it would track Dylan and not us.

"Harmony go, go" Danny yells at me.

"I'd like to see you try and run in wedged like heels Daniel!" I yell back at him but notice that Alma was following us. "GUYS SPLIT UP" I yell out as I follow Danny and Henley, Jack, and Merritt go spate ways Alma following Danny and I. Jack specifically going to plant the tracking device on Dylan.

"Danny go, Alma's right behind us" I yell as Danny races ahead of me but grabs on my arm tugging me along through the crowd. When we finally reach a wall Danny pushing me over then him jumping up to get over it as I hear a gun being unlocked and trained on Danny.

"Stop" I hear Alma yell out to Danny who stands up on the top of the wall hands up before jumping down grabbing me and tugging me along like a rag doll.

I hear Dylan right behind us as we make our way to an alleyway and my heel of course breaks causing me to trip, as I am clumsy and Danny to groan and try to help me up but I shoo him away. "Danny, just go, I'll catch up I swear I will!" I yell at him but he gives me a look of 'no' "Daniel Atlas, go it'd be worse if they caught both of us now go!" I yell pushing him away just as I hear footsteps and Danny leaves and I go to stand up only for me to get my wrists pulled up by someone than getting pinned to the alley wall causing me to laugh.

"Dylan if you just wanted to be all dominant you could have told me years ago" I joke around only for his grip to tighten.

"I ought to arrest you for that stunt you pulled" he growls out to me.

" You 'ought' not to I know you won't Mr. Shrike" I mock to him trying to wiggle off my shoes so I could bolt when his grip loosens, "I get this game, you wouldn't arrest me no matter what. You would never be able to arrest me unless you're into that kinky stuff" I try joking and he tightens his grip on my wrists making me wince slightly. "Dylan, I'm joking, jeez you're horrible at realizing a joke"

"This isn't the time to joke around Harmony" he growls out again and I notice his walkie-talkie is on mute.

"Why is your walkie-talkie on mute? What the Hell is going on Dylan!?" I yell out to him only for him to cover my mouth with his hand.

"Shut-up!" he whisper-yells to me and I lick his hand causing him to flinch it back, "what the Hell! Harmony that isn't cool, we aren't kids anymore" he furrows his eyebrows up and I roll my eyes.

"Of course, you're the one who grew up and forgot about me" I growl out and once again I am pinned further into the wall probably going to be bruised by this but I try and catch him off guard and wiggle against him making him loosen his grip out of shock and me to wink. "At least some things don't change, you still get flustered around me, I guess I'll be seeing you later Shrike, but how about I give you a present until I see you later" I say teasingly noticing how he is like blinking in confusion as I finally figured out something that makes it way more fun for me to play with him.

"Sometimes being a player is more rewarding and it's worth something else, Shrike at least I never gave up on magic" biting my lip and going in for a briefly peck on the lips only for him to grab be pulling me back into a kiss and I'm able to twist ourselves around as he was distracted long enough.

"Like Romeo and Juliet, except more like Taylor Swift's 'Love Story' song I guess, because I am not going to try and of myself that's for sure" I say winking at him racing off the direction that Daniel was going in and for Dylan to chase after me into some bar on the street.


"Where were you!?" The rest of the Horsemen bombard me as I enter our rondevu point.

"A little run in with Dylan Rhodes" I mutter and plop down next to Henley and look over to Merritt who raises his eyebrow. "What?"

"And that involves your lipstick becoming smudged as well?" He asks and I blush slightly forgetting about it and go to rub the back of my neck when Henley snatches my arm.

"Where did these come from?" she growls out holding up my bruised wrists and I flinch slightly.

"Dyla...Agent Rhodes sort of kind of had me pinned to an alley way?" I say or well more ask trying to shrug it off hoping they didn't notice my slip up with saying Dylan instead of 'Agent Rhodes'.

"WHAT! Harmony we have to stick to the Eye's orders, he's the FBI you can't be near him" Danny yells out and starts to pace.

"Blame my heel for breaking, also does anyone have spare shoes, I kind of had to ditch them because I was being pinned to a wall by someone with Hulk like anger" I say leaning my head back rubbing my wrists. "It doesn't matter I didn't get caught and I had to do some dirty playing to get him to be shocked enough to get away, doesn't help that I knew him or know him or whatever" I mumble out but everyone hears me.

"The next thing we do you can't get caught, wear something other than heels, got it?" Danny says and I just groan out and 'okay'

"How have I gotten into this mess, it feels right but wrong at the same time" I say out loud not realizing I did so and Henley starts talking next to me.

"Maybe it isn't wrong, maybe you are missing something and it will work out?" She says trying to lift my spirits up but I just shrug my shoulders.

"Maybe I am missing something important" I mumble trying to figure out what was connecting and such.
Well here's another chapter. Also finally some romance between Dylan and Harmony!

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