Chapter 2

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March 29, 4:15PM

"Dang it!" I yell tripping over my phone cord rushing to get ready and landing on the floor with one of my combat boots on and the other now in front of me. "Stupid cord" I mutter getting up and unplugging my phone while fixing my hair in a somewhat messy but presentable bun. I grab a sandwich as well as my peach ice tea and make my way to the door, but realize my tarot card was on my calendar I swipe it off and put it in my back pocket.

Once I got outside I pull up Google Maps on my phone and plug in 45 East Evan St
NY. NY. "Thank god for Google Maps, else I would be lost because maps are not helpful" I mumble out putting my head phones in one ear so I could listen to the Google voice telling me where I needed to go, once I was closer I took my tarot card out of my pocket and held it right with my ice tea.

I eventually was just a street away (or so Google tells me) when someone crashed into me causing my poor ice tea to spill all over me and the ground and caused my phone to slip out of my grip. "Shit" I mutter out under my breath.

"Sorry" the guy who bumped into me says and picks up my now empty cup and trying to hand me my phone and then picks up my tarot card. "You got one too?" he asks and I finally look up to see a younger looking guy maybe early twenties or something with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Yeah, why you got too?" I ask him and he takes another card similar to mine out of his pocket showing it to me.

"Yeah I got death? And you do realize you passed where the meet up is right?" he asks me and I groan glaring at my phone.

"No, you'd think after living in New York for like most of my life I would know my way around, stupid Google let me down again" I groan out closing Google maps on my phone. "I only ask you to take me where I need to go and you don't do that...thanks Google"

"How about we go back the right way and head up. We are almost just barely late?" He says.

"Not until you tell me your name dude," I tell him.

"Jack Wilder" he responds and I nod holding out my hand and he shakes it.

"Harmony Turner" I say back to him as we now back track the way I was coming from and we stop in front of an usual type of New York City apartment building and we go inside walking up the stair to the right apartment.

Once we get up there, there are already three other people there. A woman with glorious ginger like hair like my own, a man who was wearing a fedora and another man with shaggy hair and a seemingly control freak like attitude from what I could tell, who I'm pretty sure Jack either knew of or personally as his eyes lit up.

"No Way. J. Daniel Atlas" Jack breathes out with his mouth somewhat agape. "Dude I've seen everything that you've ever done...I mean you're like...I...I Idolize you. Seriously."

"From a true fan. It's so nice to meet you." The man now knows as Daniel says...he is definitely ahs a big head as well.

"I'm Jack, by the way." Jack says still seemingly nervous.

I wave out to everyone. "I'm Harmony"

"Question. Did you two get one of these?" Fedora man says holding up a card that says 'Hermit' on it and I hold out mine as Jack reaches back into his pocket for his.

"The Empress" I say out and everyone looks at my card then they look at Jack for his.

"Yeah...Death" Jack says as he holds up his card.

"The High Priestess" The ginger haired woman says.

"I'm the Lover." Daniel says holding his up to see.

"Three minutes" the woman coughs under her breath making me snicker and Daniel to scoff at her remark.

"Hermit" Fedora man says.

"So what are we waiting..." Jack and I say at the same time then chuckle and I make a gesture for him to continue. "Are we waiting for someone? Why are we just.."

"The door's locked" the three of them finish before Jack could finish talking and I raise my eyebrow at them.

"Oh. No. Nothing's ever locked" Jack says.

"Yeah nothing's ever locked, did none of you try and either pick the lock or bang it down a bit?" I ask them and they all look at one another and I sigh. "Guess not, well Mr. Wilder I believe you have a lock picking kit since you are a pickpocketer?" I ask jack and he gives me a 'how did you know I was a pickpocketer' look but shakes it off digging out something to pick the lock and makes his way to the door as the rest of us watch him as he opens the door.
Daniel pulls out a flashlight from who knows where while the ginger haired woman puts on her flashlight from her phone and I do the same.

"What is this place?" the woman asks as we shine our lights around the apartment and she looks into a bathroom that is really really disgusting making a face of disgust as well as a noise of disgust.

"Gross" I mutter.

"Wow. Thought my apartment was nasty." Fedora man says...I really need to find out everyone's names after we find out what this whole thing is about.

We make our way down the hallway glancing at every room no matter what it looks like or how dusty and gross it is.

"Man, it's freezing in here." Jack complains and I look at him.

"It's March, it's not like it's December or anything this is not as cold, but whatever or whoever owns this hasn't been here in a while I doubt they would have remembered to put the heat on" I sass at Jack smiling slightly as he rolls his eyes playfully shoving me a bit mutter how he knew that.

We finally get to the end of the hallway to a spot where a yellow rose is and a piece of paper folded is.

"What's that?" the ginger haired woman says and Daniel goes to pick it up.

"I don't know" Daniel says rushing a bit to pick up the piece of folded paper.

"What's it say?" Fedora man asks.

" 'Now You Don't' " Daniel responds reading out the note as I reach for the rose at the same time the ginger woman does as well and stumble a bit. "No you can take it," I tell her and she smiles picking it up.

"A rose by any other name..." she states putting it in the pitcher filled with water.

"Would smell just as sweet" I finish winking at her making her smile happily at me and we stair at the pitcher which loses water as it moves across the floorboards.

"Whoa...Guys, what's happening?" Jack asks.

"Whoa...look at that." Fedora guy says as the water makes its way into a interesting symbol that was etched into the floorboards causing it to disappear and smoke to start coming up.

"Whoa" Daniel says dropping his bag off his shoulder and onto the floor.

"It's gas" Jack says panicky

"Relax. Just dry ice." Fedora guy says making Jack visibly relax.

"Awesome!" I say grinning looking at the floor in wonder.

"Cool" the ginger haired woman, says.

"Wait. What do you think this is all about?" Daniel asks all of us looking at us.

"Hang on. Hang on" Fedora man says moving his hand up to his temple and closing his eyes like he was about to do something. He makes a painful face as if he couldn't get anything, "I got nothin'" he admits and Daniel rolls his eyes.

"Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the delay" Daniel says rather rudely.

"I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom" Fedora man replies making a gestures with his arms to the rest of us.

"Okay. So you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened." Daniel sasses at him.

"And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake" he sasses back at Daniel

"Alright, alright lovebirds get yourself a room that's not here. Now is not the time for flirting." I say trying to get us back on what they hell was going on in front of us.

"Danny, be honest. Did you do this?" the ginger hair woman asks him.

"No, wait, did either of you?" Danny asks looking at Jack and me.

"I wish" Jack says and I shake my head.

"I have no need for doing any of this so it wasn't me" I say holding my hands up.

"Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it?" Fedora guy asks us and we all look at him like with the expression of 'did you do it' "Oh, oh great" he says.

Danny goes over and tries to turn on the light switch looking down at the door down the hall but nothing seems to go on.

"Electricity is out" Jack points out and I shake my head.
"Couldn't be, the rest of the apartments have electricity why would just one of the many apartments be turned off"

"Well, let's check" the guy with the fedora says twisting one of the lights from near the windows, which in turn turns on causing a chain reaction of other things to turn on including some projector causing blueprints of something to pop up.

"Blueprints" both the ginger haired woman and I breath out.

"They're incredible" Danny breathes out as well.

"Who do you think did this?" Jack asks a bit hesitant all of a sudden.

"I don't know, but I really want to meet them" The woman says as we all gather around them looking at what it says and such.

"Guys, it's like a really complex show, like amazing type of show" I say to them looking at what the blueprints were saying. Stuff like places and what to do.
So here's chapter 2. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to do what happens within the year that they take to start or just skip to a year later. Tell me if you want like little things that happen while they work out or not.

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