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Not a request
(Their ages will change throughout this one-shot, Shadow is older than Sonic though)
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Author's PoV

You are my sunshine~
"This day has been perfect, Shadow. The lunch was delicious," the twenty one year old thanks appreciatively, giving the older male a polite peck on the cheek.
"You're quite welcome, Sonic, I'm glad I finally got to have a date with you," he replied kindly, grabbing his hand and kissing the knuckles gently.
"You're such a gentleman," Sonic laughed softly, smiling brightly. They ended the beautiful day, meeting their lips in a kiss.


My only sunshine~
Sonic gasped, it was their aniversary, and here he was, with Shadow down in front of him on one knee. "Sonic the Hedgehog, will you make me the happiest Möbian alive and become my one, my only?" "Oh yes, Shadow! Yes, yes, yes!"


You make me happy~
Sonic giggled as he was carried down the aisle, the bouquet flying in the air and landing in Silver's hands. Shadow smirked as he nuzzled Sonic's forehead. They were married, finally.


When skies are gray~
Shadow sighed happily as he placed a small kiss on his mate's rounded stomach, smiling as he heard Sonic giggle. The child, his child, was due in two months, and he couldn't be happier.


You'll never know dear~
Shadow hugged the giggling girl in his arms, Sonic hugging the both of them from behind as he purred quietly. Their little girl, Gaia, was becoming quite the little speedster.


How much I love you~
Small tears pricked Shadow's eyes as he clutched his 89 year old wife's hand, "don't worry, it's just a cold, you'll get better," "Shadow-kun... This is no normal cold, especially for one at my age..." Shadow cried silently, immortality is a curse.


The two stood in front of the stone, the young girl holding onto her father's hand tightly. The rain pelted down as they both cried, "So please don't take my sunshine away~"

Here lies Sonic T. Mauricio Hedgehog
25 June 1991 - 16 August 2084
Once loved
Now lost
Forever remembered
A great hero
An inspiring friend
A loving wife
A caring mother
We Shall Remember Him


Please remember, once someone is lost, they are not always gone, as long as you remember them, as long as you care for them, they will stay with you, watching over you, and caring for you. I wrote this because I had recently suffered from the death of a loved one, though I know they are never truly gone. Please remember this if you ever experience it, the emotional pain will be less knowing that they are always there for you.

~ Shadow

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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