Parking Lot Meetings

Start from the beginning

"I do want to ask you something though."

"Ok, go ahead."

" I just wanted to know if something was wrong, that's all."

"What do you mean?" I ask, playing dumb.

I've been acting extremely impersonal since the tour this morning. I wasn't sure if she had notice but now I know she had.

"I mean, if I said something this morning that offended you or something I deeply apologize. That April girl is just a really touchy subject."

"Did you just say that April girl ? Like she's a diseased nobody or something?" I implore.

"No, I didn't mean it like that Laurel. I just don't really like her. She's an attention seeking homewrecker from what I can tell." Alexa exclaims discreetly.

I can feel my anger boiling up to its breaking point and I try and push it down so I don't say something I'll later regret. I just can't help but get upset about how Alexa's talking about poor little April.

"You know what," I say, attempting to calm my temper. "You didn't offend me. I'm perfectly peachy. But as for April, I think she'd be very upset to hear you talk about her that way." I rant quietly, walking out of her office and up to the elevator.

Passing by the secretarial desk, I notice Ava's not there. Stepping into the elevator I breathe out deeply. Boy, this is some first day.

The elevator comes to a stop in the lobby and I step out only to be greeted by a small group of people. Standing next to Stacie by the firm's front door is Ava, Tyler, and 2 other assistants I recognize from the break room this morning.

"Hey!" Stacie exclaim as I walk up to her. "We were all waiting for you."

"I can see that." I smile politely at all the people I don't really know.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep. I'm starving." I sigh, touching my stomach.

"We all are." Tyler groans, letting his head fall back on his neck.

"Oh shut up Tyler. We're about to go in a second." Ava scolds him, elbowing him in the chest.

"Well can we go then before I die." Tyler complains dramatically.

I laugh quietly at how child-like Tyler gets when he's hungry.

"Yes we can you big baby." Stacie shoves him. "Laurel do you mind if two of us ride in your care. We usually try and only take 2 cars.

"I don't mind. Let's go." I say, pulling my keys out from my purse.

We all walk out the revolving door together into the summer heat and Ava and Tyler follow me to my car. I unlock the doors and Ava climbs into the passenger seat, forcing Tyler to sit in the back.

"Do you know where we're going?" I ask Ava as I turn on the car.

"Yeah, we're just going to Izzo's down the street." she tells me.

"Okay. I think I know where that is." I say putting the car in reverse.

We're pulling out of M&K's parking lot when Ava reaches to turn on my radio.

"You don't mind do you?"

"Of course not." I smile. "Knock yourself out."

Ava switches on the radio and turns it to some station blasting Beyonce's new song "Sorry". My fingers are drumming to the beat of the song as I pull up behind a couple of cars stopped at a red light.

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