The Job

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"Wow, Senior Detective Jane Rizzoli, NYPD...that's huge." Maura said as she sat in bed as Jane brushed her teeth.

"I like the title, but...I've decided not to take it." Jane said spitting.

"Why? Because you'd be leaving your family?" Maura asked as Jane slowly made her way to bed.

"That, and I'm gonna be promoted here in a few weeks to BPD's new Sergeant...I told her that if after James graduates from high school that I'd send him to the NYPD." Jane got into bed and put her cane into reach.

"Jane, I want you to be happy...and if you turned down a job to be apart of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit...that's okay. I love you for who you are." Maura looked into Jane's eyes.

"Maura," Jane took her wife's hands into her own, "Olivia told me how the job can be emotionally scarring. I don't want to come home and think about what happened. I want to come home and have a life."

"Okay. I understand fully and Jane," Maura smiled, "promise me that you won't force James to play for or baseball or-"

"Maura, it's his choice." "Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." Jane said kissing Maura.

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