Time Will Tell part 18

Start from the beginning

“I doubt it will be that easy. The air sizzles when the two of you are together. All it will take is one spark and you both will go up in flames.”

Libby felt trapped, unable to look away as he continued, his voice holding more than a warning. “Colin is only a man and at some point he’ll want to consummate the relationship. The more he cares for you, the more tempting you become.”

Yeah, like she was really a temptation, she thought, shaking her head. “He’s always been a perfect gentleman. He won’t go where I don’t want him to.” The fact that she’d been thinking along those lines sent a rush of heat waves to her cheeks. Holding her head down so he wouldn’t see her embarrassed flush, she led the horse to the rail and tied him off, then picked up another bit with lead. Dismissively, Libby turned her attention to another nearby colt.

Gus followed, much to her dismay. “You’re so sure of your ability to hold him at bay? I know him. He won’t stop trying until he gets what he wants. I’m giving you fair warning, Libby. Keep your guard up. If you consummate things, you’ll both come to regret it. I don’t want to see either one of you hurt when you return to your time and place. Most of all, I don’t think Colin will be able to deal with the loss.”

“What are you getting at?” Libby halted, suddenly not so sure of her motives any longer. “It’s not my intention to hurt him.”

“Then don’t. The only way you won’t hurt him is to stay away from him until you find your way back home.”

Her eyes narrowed as she searched his earnest face. “But it’s what he wants,” she whispered. Or was it something she wanted?

“His wife’s actions almost destroyed him. He cared for her. She was nothing but a selfish woman. Thank God he didn’t bow to her demands. Still, she made his life a misery and Colin blamed himself for her bitterness.” Gus gripped her by the shoulders and his voice became more fervent. “He feels things very deeply—takes responsibilities for others. He doesn’t need any more heartache. Think about that and about what your actions will accomplish. Why go looking for trouble?”

Libby closed her eyes, her thoughts becoming a jumbled mess. As much as it hurt to admit it, Gus made sense. She opened her eyes and spoke from her heart. “I won’t go looking for trouble, Gus. But I can’t ignore him either.” Tears sprang to her eyes and she brushed them away, unable to still the pain piercing her heart. “Damn, this is such a mess,” she whispered. “I don’t think either of us has a choice. All I can do is take it one day at a time.”

“I’ve said my piece. That’s all I can do.” With head held high, he turned and headed in Nathan’s direction.

Watching the two laughing at something Nathan said, Libby couldn’t stop second-guessing herself. Maybe Gus was right. Maybe she should keep her distance from Colin.

No maybes about it. As long as she continued to exist in 1874, they should stay away from each other.

Pure pain pierced her soul as she realized she had to try harder to get home. At the same time, she had to make sure that Colin understood her decision. Closing her eyes, she willed away fresh tears at the thought of not seeing or being with him anymore.

How had he become so important to her in such a short time?

Another fact dawned on her, this one not so surprising. Once she made it back to her own time, she and Dave were through. The man no longer owned her heart. Not like Colin did. She wondered if he ever had because what she felt for Colin dwarfed her feelings for Dave.

She should have never considered marrying someone who didn’t accept her for who she was. Even when hampered by time and era, Colin had never tried to change her, had actually seemed to enjoy her as a person.

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