Bad Morning

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I awoke to a loud THUD from downstairs. I groggily got up from bed and walked downstairs to find Jeff and Jane trying to stab each other so I yelled, "OI STOP IT YOU TWO." They stopped and everyone just kinda stared at me. I blushed and sheepishly walked into the dinning room to find Sally there eating cereal. "Morning Sally." She just waved seeing as she had cereal in her mouth. I went up to the cabinets in the kitchen but couldn't find anything I wanted so I looked in the fridge and found a cup that had blood in it so I decided to drink it. After I finished the blood Ticci Toby came in. "Hey Toby"."He-Hey J-Jacy". I then decided to leave and try to find Slender. I started walking the way I remembered his office being and when I got there I knocked on the door. 'Come in'. "Slender could I talk to you for a sec?" 'Okay, is something wrong child?' "Oh no, ummmm I was just wondering if I could get somethings like clothes and bedding and stuff like that". 'Alright, I can arrange that'. "Thanks Slendy". I left by skipping all the way back to my room and decided since I was woken up so suddenly this morning I deserved more sleep so I drifted off the sleep.
Ok every person out there reading my story I need input. I'm thinking of some names for your character as a creepypasta and I want you to have a choice so here are the names:


Insane Izzy

Blood Bailey

Lucky Lily

Baby Doll

Sweet Dreamer

Keep As Y/N

So comment which name you want and that will effect your killing style, quote, look and so on and so fourth. Also I'm changing the boy your with after you pick the name because the names correspond to the boys so choose wisely. This vote ends on 9-16-16 so hurry and vote. (BTW Sweet Dreamer is not for Jeff or Jane).

Remember you always have love in your life and it's mine!! Tootles!!-Crisi

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