Pasta For Dinner

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About an hour later I heard Clockwork call for me to come down for dinner. I got off the bed and sprinted down the stairs and walked to where I could hear a lot of talking. I walked into the dining room and everybody I meet earlier was talking and so I went over to Sally and she introduced me to Charlie The Bear. Then Slenderman walked in with a pan that smelled amazing. Everyone was still talking but went to go sit down when Slenderman said, 'Jacy there are not enough chairs so you will have to sit with someone. ' "She can sit with me ," I heard a voice say. I looked to the source of the voice and saw............. 


Ok so I've been wanting to update this story for sooooooooooooooooooo long therefore I did but I need you all to comment so I can know what to do.

Remember you always have love in your life and it's mine. Tootles!!-Crisi

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