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"Hey,Selena I'm leaving now!!"

I throw my roommate a peace sign and she leaves.

We moved in recently after I turned 20 about a month ago since we want to be in modeling.

Ashley is way more outgoing though.

As I'm stuffing my face with popcorn while checking out someone magazine ads,my phone dings.

unknown number- yo i might not make it tonight im tired

me- uh who's this?

unknown number- lol this is Justin

me- ...?

unknown number-from the gala remember?

me- um,i think you have
the wrong number

unknown number- oh fuck sorry

me- haha it's fine

me-if you don't mind me
asking you've been to a gala?!?!?

I decided to save this guy to my contacts,like if he's been to a gala he must be in some part of the entertainment industry.

justin- yeah ive been to a couple actually

me-wow nice!

justin- have u?

me- pshh I'm not that far
into my career yet.

justin- well wht do u wanna b?

me- a supermodel

justin- woah okay . have u started?

me- i have actually

justin-well whats ur name

me-idk if I should go around
telling strangers my name

justin-im not a stranger u know my name,and if u wanna b a supermodel evry1 will know ur name

me- my name is Selena

justin-well Selena I'll try to keep my eyes open

read 11:13

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