Chapter Sixteen

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Ali's POV

I wake to the sound of voices coming from Giovanni's living room. I turn on my side to see that he is still fast asleep. I smile as I watch him sleep I could do this all day but the voice are pulling me from his hold.

I manage to untangle myself from him without waking him. I pick up his shirt off of the ground and head out to see what all the fuss is about. When I get to the living room I see a man in a suit standing there.

His back is to me so I don't know who he is but he has dark hair that looks like it's going grey. I walk deeper into the room and he turns around giving me a good look at him. He has ocean blue eyes and a masculine face and built.

He looks like some kind of bodyguard then I remember Giovanni calling for a guy once this must be him he must be Jakes.

"Jakes?" I say walking up to him.

"Ma'am" he counters his voice very professional.

"Please my name is Ali" I say with a chuckle.

My eyes move from him to the figure behind him and I am shocked to see that it's Helen. She is looking at me once again in shock I swear this woman has an agenda against me. Why she is here I mean doesn't she have anything better to do?

"Is there a problem?" I ask looking at the both of them.

"No ma'am Ms. Kirks was just leaving" Jakes says and I can hear the seriousness in his voice.

Is there something between these two I mean I can feel the tension radiating off of them and I'm telling you It's not a good thing. Before I can get a chance to say anything I heard footsteps.

Great he's awake I wanted him to sleep in he doesn't sleep enough as it is. I turn around to find Ryan walking up to us. He looks a lot better than he did when I saw him last night he frowns as he looks at all of us.

"How are you feeling?" I ask walking up to him.

"Like I've been stabbed" he chuckles. "Morning" he says to Jakes and Helen.

I help Ryan into the living room and sat him down on the coach. I turn back to see Jakes and Helen glaring at each other.

"Helen what can I do for you?" I ask softly looking her directly in the eye.

"Nothing" she hisses. "Tell him to call me" she says to Jakes and leaves.

"Does she always come here this early?" Ryan asks me.

I look up at Jakes and he has a knowing look and I know that what Ryan said is true. Well at lease for a few more hours Giovanni can sleep.

"You hungry" I ask Ryan as I head into the kitchen.

"Starving" he says from the living room.

I busy myself in the kitchen making breakfast when my mind drifts back to last night. I still can't believe that Giovanni allowed me to touch him. I actually touched him I felt his chest in my hands I even kissed him.

He allowed me to touch him there. He said that my touch was good that it was different and I don't know what to make of that. But I can't help but feel as if I've changed this man since he's let me into his life.

Opened up to me in ways I never thought anyone would or could and we love each other what more is there to ask for in life. Just as I finish making breakfast I hear chatter in the living room Giovanni must be awake.

I smile as I plate there food and sit them down on the island I walk back into the living room to see Ryan and Giovanni in conversation about something serious. I hope there not talking about last night.

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