Chapter Fifteen

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Ali's POV

I'm lying on the floor of the café with some jerk hovering over me. I have no idea how I'm going to get out of this situation. He grabs my hair pulling me to my feet as his other hand grabs my throat.

I can't breathe the hard cold wall that he pushed me into made his intentions clear he's going to rape. I start kicking and screaming for dear life as the tears pour out of my eyes I am trying every possible way I can think off to get this man off of me but it's not working.

"So fucking beautiful" he groans against my neck and I don't know what came over me I just kicked him.

He fell to my floor with a grunt holding his groin and I marvel in my success I rush to Ryan and help him to his feet.

"Are you okay?" I ask sitting him down in the reading area.

"Ali look out!" I hear him yell.

I turn around to see the guy charging for us with a bat. I duck as he smashes the table in front of us. I don't know where the strength or energy came from I just pushed him as hard and his fast as I could.

He fell on the floor I took up the bat that fell from his hand and start unleashing my anger and pain on him. Everything in me is telling to kill him but I can't I drop the bat and slump to the ground.

Man my head is hurting I feel dizzy I look down at my hand and I see so much blood. My blood, Ryan's blood and his.

"Ali!" I hear Giovanni scream my name but I can't move from the spot my legs are weak. "Are you hurt?"

I slowly take to me feet without falling I ach all over but it's nothing I can't live with. I walk over to Ryan on the coach while Giovanni calls the police. I rest my head on his shoulder while I listen to him breathing.

This is how we end up after all this time danger is still what binds us together. I have always have to be the one to save his ass and he would run. But for once he is right here right by my side standing with me.

"Ry don't die on me" I say with a nervous chuckle. "I have a lot that I need to blame you for"

He chuckles too but stops and I know he's in pain. "Oh don't worry I'm not going anywhere"

"Ry I love you and I'm so proud of you" I say softly.

"What for" he asks his voice fading.

"Being by my side. For not running when things got tough for holding me up for once for just being my big brother" I tell him honestly.

"Sorry it's taken me this long" he says.

"Ali" Giovanni says kneeling before me.

"Ryan he needs to get to the hospital please I'm fine just help him please" I beg the tears escaping my eyes.

I don't care much for my own health right now I just want Ryan to get all the help that he needs I can't lose him not now.

"Gio please" I beg.

I can see that he doesn't want to leave me and I don't want him to but Ryan is hurt and needs help more than me. I have a few bruises and scrapes he has been stabbed.

He sighs and helps Ryan to his feet I follow them as they head for the door. I watch as Giovanni places him in the car then walks back to me.

"I'll be back for you" he says kissing me lightly. "I love you"

I smile and stroke his cheeks. "I love you too"

He gives me a quick kiss before he leaves with Ryan. I turn and walk back into the reading area I took a seat on the coach and allow all that happened to sink in.

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