Down by the hospital

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Ben's POV
I've been waiting for Mal to come to the hospital to see my mom. My dad is still not happy about the accident but I swear Mal didn't do it!
Mal pulls up at the hospital
Mal: Hey benny-boo! I've got some great news!
Ben: What?
Mal tells him about the Liv and Maddie
Ben: Wow, that's awesome!
Mal: I know! Do you think I should do it?
Ben: Yeah, if you want to
Mal: What about me dying my hair blonde? I don't think I would want to do that
Ben: That's your choice, I mean, you'll look beautiful either way
Mal: Awwwwwwwww!!!! Thanks benny-boo!
Ben: Your welcome, shall we?
Mal: We shall!
Mal and Ben walk up to Belles hospital room
Ben: Hi mom
Mal: Hi Belle
Belle: Mal! How are you
Mal: Good thank you, and how are you?
Belle: I'm fine
Ben: Hey, what about me
Mal kisses Ben
Ben: Thank you
Mal and Belle: Hahaha!
Beast walks in
Beast: Get away from her Mal!!!!
Mal steps back
Belle: Adam, Ben, out! I want to talk to Mal..... Alone!
Ben and Adam walk out and shut the door
Mal: I'm so...
Belle: Mal, honey, I know you didn't do this to me
Mal: do?
Belle: Yes, but I have something important to tell you
Mal: What?
Belle: I.......

I'm sorry guys but I wanted to keep this part till the next chapter! Sorry!

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