The meeting

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Ben's POV
Okay so Mal is going to see this Gabe guy at the Enchanted Lake to write a song as her first duet. I'm so excited for her but jealous at the same time, I know I shouldn't say this but I'm beginning to wish that Mal didn't win this contest. I mean, the Enchanted Lake! Really Mal! That was our special spot and you just had to tell that Gabe guy to meet you there!!!! Ugh! But as much as I don't like this, Mal is my girlfriend and I trust that she will handle this with care. In the mean time, my mom is still in the hospital and  not in good condition. She has very large headaches at times and refuses to eat. And scince I have no car,( My dad took it away from me and broke it because I wouldn't follow him to the hospital the day my mom got into the accident.) I have to walk all the way to the hospital to see her. I walked out the school to see Mal walking to words her car. Wow! She looked pretty!

I ran to her as she was getting in and she hugged meMal: Hey benny-booBen: Hey princessMal: Don't call me thatBen: Then don't call me benny-booMal: Okay, so what's up?Ben: I'm going to see my momMal: But

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I ran to her as she was getting in and she hugged me
Mal: Hey benny-boo
Ben: Hey princess
Mal: Don't call me that
Ben: Then don't call me benny-boo
Mal: Okay, so what's up?
Ben: I'm going to see my mom
Mal: But....
Ben: I know I know, I don't have a car.
Mal: Then, need a ride?
Ben: No, the hospital's not that far
Mal: No Ben, I can drive you. Or you can drive.
Ben: No Mal, really, I'm fine
Mal gives Ben puppy dog eyes
Ben: No Mal......
Mal: Please?????????????
Ben: Fine
Mal: Yay! Hop in!
In the car
Mal's POV
I'm so happy that Ben wanted to ride with me. I really needed someone to talk to
Mal: So benny-boo?........
Ben: What? And stop calling me that
Mal: How's your mom?
Ben: She's sort of good. I mean, she dosent eat at times
Mal: OMG! After I'm done with Gabe, i'm coming right there
Ben: Thanks Mal but......
Mal: No buts Benjamin Florian! I'm coming weather you like it or not
Ben: Okay, she'll like that
Mal: Thanks. Here we are!
Ben: Thank you Mal
Mal: Your welcome benny-boo
Ben kisses Mal
Ben: Bye Princess!
Mal: Bye Your Royal Hotness
Ben: Wait..... What!?
Mal: Hahahah! I'll see ya later!
At the Enchanted lake
Gabe's POV
I hope Mal shows up soon. The news I have to tell her can't stay in my mouth any longer. Last night, after Mal and I picked our meeting spot, I went to my music studio and told my manager who I picked. Coincidentally, my manager has a friend who is a director and us making a show called Liv and Maddie. My manager called him and he said that Mal would be perfect for the part. The only condition is that she has to dye her hair blonde. Which might be a tiny problem. I know how much Mal likes her purple hair.
Mal: Hey Gabe!
Gabe: Hey Mal, you look nice
Mal: Thank you
Gabe: So? Wanna get started then?
Mal: Yeah! So, what do I do
Gabe: Haha! Well first, we have to think of a name for our duo
Mal: Okay, what ya thinking?
Gabe: I dunno, you?
Mal: Hmmmmmm, well, could be a two part thing.
Gabe: Two part?
Mal: Yeah, I have one name, you have one name, and we put then together.
Gabe: Okay, so maybe you could be the girl
Mal: He he, and you could be...... THE DREAMCATCHER!!!!!!
Gabe: Wow Mal! That's good!
Mal: So the girl and the dreamcatcher?
Gabe: I guess so
Mal: Now, let's star in our first song
Gabe: I already have a name
Mal: What?
Gabe: Glowing in the dark!
Mal: That's actually a really good name
Gabe: Thanks
Mal: So now, some lyrics
Gabe: Great! Let's get started then!
2 and a half hours of songwriting later
You know how I get when the sun goes down
How it feels when no one's around
I know, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know-oh-oh
I get kind of lost and I can't see straight
Hate it but it's just what we take
I know, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know-oh-oh

I've been bitten by the lonely
But when I'm not the only
When I'm, when I'm not the only
One who feels it, maybe it's sick to say
But it helps that you feel the same
I know, I know-oh-oh
When the lights go out

We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark
We'll light up Central Park
We're lights that never go out
Cause you're here with me now
Dark days but it's alright
So fine, every night
Oh-oh, whoa
We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark

Doin' 2 AM, way above the clouds
Rooftop, yeah, we're just hanging out
I know, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know-oh-oh
Now we're looking down like we got no fear
We got dreams and they start right here
I know, I know-oh-oh-oh
I know, I know-oh-oh

We get bitten by the lonely
But we're not the only
Yeah we're, yeah we're not the only

Once you know the way to get through the night
Is to bring on a little bright
I know, I know-oh-oh
When the lights go out

We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark
We'll light up Central Park
We're lights that never go out
Cause you're here with me now
Dark days but it's alright
So fine, every night
Oh-oh, whoa
We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark

When I'm bitten by the lonely
You can get to know me
I know, I know-oh-oh

We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark
We'll light up Central Park
We're lights that never go out
Cause you're here with me now
Dark days but it's alright
So fine, every night
We're glowing in the dark
We started from a spark
We're lights that never go out
Like we've never been down
Glowing in the dark
Mal: That's good!
Gabe: Yeah now all we gotta do is shoot the music video!
Mal: Sounds cool!
Mal checks time
Mal: OMG! Sorry Gabe but I gotta run
Gabe: Okay but before you leave, I need to tell you something
Mal: What?
Gabe's explains everything to Mal
Mal: Wow! I would love to but I don't know about dying my hair
Gabe: Its okay, no rush. But you have till tomorrow because we meet at the studio
Mal: Okay, I'll think about it. Bye Gabe!
Gabe: Bye Mal! See ya tomorrow!
Mal's POV
Wow! I can't believe this is actually happening!

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