Chapter 2

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Please leave comments or vote or fan if you have time! :D By the way, in this story, I think i will refrain from any cussing :) THERE IS NO SEXUAL CONTENT IN THIS BOOK EITHER, so if some of you people are perverts and enjoy reading stuff like that, I'm sorry to disappoint you :P


I spent the next day throwing up and sitting on the couch, watching TV. However, on Monday, my stomach had finally settled by first period. When the passing period bell rang, I slid from my seat, grateful to be feeling better. In fact I was so grateful that I forgot to close my backpack, and spilled the heavy contents out. As I bent into the crush of kids and fumbled for my stuff, shouts of "Supremo Grande" and "Wide load" were echoed down the hall.

By second period, the hoots and bullying shouts were happening every minute or two. I stood in front of my locker, trying to find my emergency Twinkie, but could only find the smooth plastic of my travel mug, which I still had not yet dumped.

Maybe it's better the next day, I reasoned with myself, like spaghetti sauce. As nice as it sounded, I doubted that it was true. There was no way that putrid glop would taste any better. And wasn't there some warning about mayonnaise spoiling fast? I debated.

"Hey, solar eclipse," shouted Lucy, who was wearing her usual slutty attire: short shorts that were about as thick as a belt, and a see through shirt that looked like a pink strap secured around her upper half.

Without thinking, I spun around, facing her.

"Oops! Never mind, that's just Serenity," she said, cackling.

Debate over. I chugged the whole bottle without second thought.

I bolted for a trash can. It hadn't aged well.


"You don't look so well today," observed Alyssa as we met for gym.

"No feeling good either," I responded, stifling a burp.

"Do you need to-"

"Oh no." I cut her off.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. "What's up? Did you forget your clothes?"

"I wish," I replied. "It's the Mile Test that I forgot about today."

"Maybe Coach will let you get out of it," she said. "Get changed and talk to her. I'll go with you if you want." She tossed her shirt into her locker.

Not a chance. I much prefered lounging to running laps, and Coach Street knew it. As I hunched over to begin changing when I saw Alyssa, then sighed.

Alyssa had never experienced embarassment. Whereas other girls (me) would tug out our arms from our shirts, hide behind our locker, pull our gym shirts over our heads and take the other shirt out through the neck, obviously trying to hide some part of their body

Alyssa just took everyhing off like she was at her bedroom at home. I would too, if I looked like that.

Small and athletic, Alyssa didn't have an ounce of fat on her body.

On the other hand, I was always hiding too much of something.

I squirmed into my gym clothes then shoved my backpack into my locker and slammed it. Coach made us sit on the bleachers by the unused shower area. The green tile floor was cold and dirty-looking, even though no one had showered in this area for years. I squeezed into a corner, leaning against the sticky wall tiles, still tasting the Diet Drink of Horror.

As I tried to refrain from puking, Mary and Katie, who Sandra and I ate lunch with, waved. I managed a weak smile in their direction, but it quickly faded as my stomach did a flop.

When Alyssa attempted to approach Coach Street, she waved her off and told Alyssa to set up the cones. My stomach churned.

Coach divided us into five groups of twelve. While one group ran laps, the other four would play soccer or field hockey against each other. Alyssa wasn't on my team.

Instead, I had Mary and Katie who were the worst athletes in our class, and we made basic attempts to provide field hockey defense. Not that anyone was actually a game, they were just knocking the ball around so Coach wouldn't make them run extra laps.

"Oh look!" cried out Lucy,"It's Cow, Pig, and Horse!" She mooed and snorted as she passed us.

"Immature whore," whispered Katie under her breath. Tall, with a long face, Katy was a science brain. She was enrolled in an accelerated program, so she took college classes in the afternoon. Lucky her.

Mary nodded, and said,"Can't stand her."

I was about to jump in when another cramp hit my stomach. I doubled over in pain.

"Serenity? You okay?" one of the two said.

I shook my head,"Stomach," I gasped. Sweat popped out on my forehead. I tried to breath, regretting ever seeing that ad on my mother's desk.

"We should tell Coach," said Katie.

As soon as the words were out, the tweet of Coach Street's whistle pierced the air around the track. "Group Three. You're up!" she shouted.

"That's us," said Mary,"you need help?"

After a few short shallow breaths, I replied,"I'm okay." I repeated this over and over. The cramp loosened it's grasp.

"Ladies, let's move it!" shouted Coach. "What are you doing? Grazing?" I swore I could hear Lucy's laugh in the background.

Sandra shot me a thumbs up in encouragement from the sidelines.

I began walking to Coach.

"Coach, I don't feel that great," I stated.

"Don't want to hear it, T. Get going."

My twisting guts felt heavy. I sighed and went to the starting line.

"Ready, set, GO!" shouted Coach Street, timer in hand.

I went. Mary and Katy were soon far ahead of me. The weight in my guts leaked into my legs and a heavy, shivery, sensation crept through my body. As I finished the first round, Sarah Davinsky passed me finishing up her third. A cramp clawed at my side.

As I rounded the corner, I mentally thought,Halfway done with lap two. I didn't care that Katie and Mary were already done, I just wanted to get it over with.

At my fastest, I moved no faster than a slow jog. I began my third lap as Street shouted,"Fifteen oh one" to another runner who had finished. I forced my legs to endure and keep on going.

Group Four watched me anxiously, waiting for their chance to start. I swiped stinging sweat from my eyes.

"Let's go T!" shouted Street.

As I finished my last lap, time turned funny. Everything slowed. I felt each foot land on the track. My ears rushed and roared with the sound of blood pumping through my head.

Once I reached Coach Street, she said,"Twen-"

My stomach heaved.

"Oh-" Street continued. My stomach heaved again, and I staggered to the side of the track. I hiccupped and clasped a hand over my mouth. Coach's eyes widened.

"Ohh!" I gasped. I clutched my belly with both hands.

"Serenity!" she snapped, "Get-"

But I didn't hear the rest. A geyser erupted from my mouth, and there was no stopping Mother Nature.

I puked.

On Coach Street's shoes.

"Holy sh*t!" she cried out

If it were fizzy and not so chunky, it would've looked like root beer.

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