Liz is actually pretty friendly, gruff, but friendly. Maybe it's her appearance ... fuchsia hair ... too many piercings ... crappy jeans and combat boots. And she's smart ... all AP classes ... and a sophomore ... that's why I haven't seen her. Amy is quiet, dressed in dark almost drab clothing ... is that goth? ... I'm not going to ask. And she's in my English class and I didn't even know it. Jeff is ok. He looks like he wants to be in a new wave video or something, especially with the way he has hair sticking up on his head ...

"Do you miss your friends?"


"Friends, ya know, from your old school ..."

This was precisely the kind of question Charles was trying to avoid. He knew Jeff was just making friendly conversation trying to include him. Charles also understood this would be an easy dodge, a simple lie.

"A little bit."

"What about your old school?"

Charles just stared at him blankly.

How am I supposed to answer fucking questions like that? Truthfully? No Jeff, I don't miss my friends and I don't miss my old school. I got suspended three times last year, almost got expelled. Actually Jeff, I didn't have any friends; there is no one to miss. The few people I did hang out with were only interested in smoking dope and dropping acid, particularly if I was buying.

Just as his nervousness was transforming into panicked anger, Charles was startled by a pair of hands firmly grasping his shoulders from behind. A moment later, Eric was sitting beside him.

"I wondered who you were hangin with during lunch", Eric said smiling.

"I wondered who you were hangin with", Charles said, returning Eric's smile.

After a few minutes and a little small talk, Eric and Charles were walking together toward their next class.


"I need to stop in the restroom."

"Good idea, I'll join ya."

What the fuck Eric, girls go to the bathroom together.

After entering the bathroom, Charles really wanted to make sure he didn't have any dirt on his clothes from sitting on the ground, but he didn't want Eric to see him doing it. As Eric made his way to the urinal, Charles walked toward one of the sinks to wash the remnants of grease off his hands. He was almost finished when Eric took position at the sink next to him.

"Are you ok dude?"


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just spacing out a little ... sorry"

Charles was still "rinsing" the soap off his hands as Eric dried his own.

Just spacing out Charles ... bullshit ... the fucking soap won't come off.

Charles steeled himself, turned off the water, and grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser.

"Ready Eric?"

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm sure", Charles replied doing his best to smile, doing his best to hide his distress.

Fuck that was close.


Sixth period, Eric and Charles had chemistry together. Unfortunately for Charles, today would be the first day in the lab. Of course, the boys were lab partners.

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