Chapter 1

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It's been 10 years, and Bucky hasn't changed a bit. Except for the fact that he grew his hair out, wore more makeup, and his mother was now working two jobs. His obsession with flower crowns remains, and pink is still his favorite color. As he grew up, Bucky found out he was the only boy in town who dressed differently from the other boys, and when he was 8 he approached his mother in tears after a hard day at school. His face was covered in dirt, clothes ripped, and his flower crown bent in his hand.

"Oh, my baby," his mother rubbed his back soothingly while he sobbed in her shirt. Winifred hated seeing her son like this, and it wasn't the first time this has happened. Bucky stopped crying and looked at his mom with blood shot eyes. "Am I a freak mommy?"

Winnie frowned and shook her head "Of course not James, why would you ask that?" Bucky sighed and looked anywhere but at her "Because kids at school say I am," he replied.

"Don't listen to them, they just don't understand you. But once they see how amazing you are, they'll come around," Bucky hugged his mom tightly and she held back tears. She won't admit it, but she knew her son would always be teased for being himself, the only thing she could do is pray her son would at least make one friend.

Bucky is now 16, and he grew up to be very handsome. He has his mother's blue eyes, his father's charm-which his mom had noticed but never brought it up because they tend to avoid conversations about George-and a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Except in his case, it never does. Bucky continued getting bullied at school, but that didn't stop him from being himself inside and out. His mom continues to support her son's clothing choices, and doesn't mind working two jobs as long as she sees that smile on her sons face when she comes home with a new flower crown for him. It's currently the last week of summer and Bucky is in the living room watching a movie, and his mother is in the kitchen making dinner. His aunt is coming to visit from out of town and he's been excited since this morning when he heard the news. Aunt Ida gave him his first flower crown and loved James to pieces, he wished she lived closer to them.

"James! Come help me set the table please," Bucky heard his mom calling him from the kitchen and he got up and went to the dining room where the mats and plates were stacked in the center.

The doorbell rang and he rushed to the door hearing his mom laughing at his excitement.

"Aunt Ida!" he hugged his aunt and she laughed and hugged her nephew back with a big smile on her face. "Hey, wow Bucky you're getting tall,"

Ida was the one who started calling her nephew 'Bucky'. She refused to call him James because the name didn't suit him well, but his mother refuses to call him such a name. So 'James' is his name only at home. He preferred that name at school as well, causing the teasing to be stronger because of the nickname. Bucky didn't care though, he thought it was unique.

"Just you wait sis, he'll be taller then both of us soon," Bucky's mother approached them and when they were all sitting in the dining room Ida was talking about her job and Winifred kept giving her knowing looks. Bucky was curious as to what was going on.

"James, there's something I need to tell you," Winifred was nervous about what she was about to tell her son. "What is it ma?"

"We're moving"

Bucky froze in his chair and dropped his fork on the table. He looked to his aunt who already knew what was going to be said, and he looked at his mom who was smiling shyly waiting for his response.

"Seriously? Where? Is it far? What about school? I can't just start over somewhere new and get teased all over again!" Bucky was furious, how was he supposed to cope with a new town? New kids?

"Sweetie I know it's going to be tough, but your aunt offered me a job at her office that pays double what I'm getting here. Please, understand that I'm doing this to help us. I know starting in a new school will be hard, but you'll be able to see Aunt Ida more," she looked to her sister who gave Bucky a reassuring smile. He sighed and slouched in his seat, at least he'll have his aunt around more. His mom has always been trying to keep them sheltered since his dad left, so he was in no place to argue about this.

"I understand ma, I'm sorry,"

"Don't be James, now we have this week to pack our stuff. The moving van will be here on Tuesday,"

With that, they continued eating and Ida told Bucky about where they were going to be living. There were plenty of flowers in her garden waiting to be made into a crown, and Bucky smiled knowing his aunt would do anything to keep him happy. Even if that meant moving 10 hours away from where he lived.


"Ma where's my One Direction poster!?"

"Which one?" his mom yelled from downstairs.

"The one without Zayn on it!" Bucky yelled from his room frantically pacing around his room. He was on edge, all his stuff was packed like clothes, shoes, flower crowns, makeup, his vinyl collection, and the most important thing in his life...his band posters. Music was always a big part of James' coping mechanism and his mom did everything she could to buy them. His records consisted of bands like The Beatles, The Jackson 5, Green Day, One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and All Time Low. Also, a few artists like Ariana Grande, Melanie Martinez, Adele, Troye Sivan, and ZAYN of course.

Troye Sivan is Bucky's hero. He looks up to him, and he even had the strength to come out to his mom at 13 because of him. It was no shock when he told his mom the news, but she took it as a huge step in his life that she was glad he included her in.

The moving van will be here any minute and his favorite item decides to go missing!

"I found it! Here sweetie," Winifred handed her son the poster which he happily took from her grasp.

Bucky grinned and thanked his mom. When she left he sighed- finally free from stress- and rolled up the poster and put it in the cylinder with the others. He looked around his room staring at the pink walls and thought of the time when he went to the Home Depot with his mom and picked out the color. His father was there and scowled at his choice of the color, but Bucky was too young to understand how he felt. He misses his dad sometimes, but he knew the reason why he had to go. Bucky sometimes wonders if his dad even thinks about him, but it's probably not often.

The sound of a car horn woke him from his thoughts and Bucky looked out his window and saw the U-Haul. He pressed his lips in a thin line and thought this is it. He got up from his mattress and started taking his boxes downstairs. He helped his mother with the kitchen stuff, and the movers kept giving him weird looks. Bucky decided on wearing his hot pink Victoria's Secret sweatpants and the matching top. He ignored them and once everything was in the van they were on their way. Bucky looked out the window and slowly started to see his old house come out of view, and before he knew it they were gone.

So many memories in that house were being taken with him, but the one he decided to leave was when his dad left.

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