Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Goldenboypart27

Start from the beginning

There is no way that Ari doesn’t know what he got inked on his back?

I just don’t buy the whole to drunk to remember thing- cause I know even if he couldn’t remember he would go back to the tattoo parlour and ask them what he had written.

I could bet good money on that.

I glanced at my digital clock that read 11:02 am, and suddenly I got a brain wave as I leant over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone.

He wouldn’t admit it straight off that he got something stupid like ‘ I LOVE SPIDERMAN’ or the soundtrack to a cheesy 80’s song tattooed, so I guess I will just have to trick it out of him I thought, resisting the urge to laugh wickedly at my own genius.

Switching on my phone, I clicked the camera option, leaning forwards so I was hovering over Ari and took a picture.

The loud click of the camera in the quiet room was overshadowed by the bright flash from the camera that lit up the room for a second.Ari’s eyes fluttered open ever so slightly and he looked all cute and confused for a second as his arm stretched out to where I was sleeping and then frowned when he noticed I wasn’t there. 

Sooo cute.

“ Ella bear?” he asked sleepily, his eyes still semi closed on the pillow.

“ Mhm” I replied, stifling a giggle as I thought about what I was about to do…

“ Was there lightening?” he asked, his voice laced with sleep as he rolled over not his back still asleep, so I could see his broad, muscled chest where the duvet didn’t cover. I could feel my eyes running over him, and for a second I almost forgot my mission.

“ Nope. That was my camera. It took a picture” I told him, waiting for my words to sink in, grinning as I noticed he had crease on the side of his face where he’d lay on the pillow, making him look really sleepy and sweet. 

His brow crinkled for a second in confusion “ Of what?” he murmured.

“ Of your tattoo, silly.” I replied chirpily with a smirk.

“ Huh? My tat?” he asked before he opened one eye, glanced at the clock before he groaned and closed his eyes again. “ It’s too early for talking, back to sleep.” He said groggily, making me smile before I felt his hand on my wrist pulling me down beside him.

“Ohmp!” I landed next to him, my faces inches away from his and his warm arm wrapped around my waist making me feel small and snug.

I chuckled when I noticed he was falling asleep again and pulled on a piece of his sandy hair.

“ Sooo… did you know that there’s an app on my phone that can translate any language you photograph?” I lied in a singsong voice.

“ That’s nice,” he murmured and I smiled as I lightly traced the pillow crease along his cheek, across the slight stubble of his jaw as the corners of his mouth turned up subtly.

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