Chapter 4

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Isabelle woke up and she felt something heavy around her waist. She turned around on the bed to see Mathew, still asleep, with his arm around her.

She jumped in shock.  This wasn't the first time she woke up in the same bed as Mathew, but she distinctly remembered locking the door before falling asleep. How did Mathew get in then?

She got out of bed and went to Matthew's bathroom to freshen up. She took a long shower and put on another pair of Mathew's clothes.

When Mathew finally woke up, Isabelle went and asked him. She was curious to know.

"How on earth did you get into your room Greyson?" Asked Isabelle, curiosity embedded in her tone.

He gave a lopsided smirk, still groggy from the lack of sleep.

"It's a secret." He whispered, making Isabelle mad. They kept no secrets from each other. That was the rule. But he was an idiot, let him keep that one thing, Isabelle would figure it out anyway, she always did.

"Are you serious Matt? Just tell me already. I just want to know." Isabelle pleaded.

"Nope, nope nope nope," he said, getting out of bed and running to the bathroom before she could get it out of him.

Isabelle shook her head and grinned.

Isabelle knew she had to go home. Today was her grandpa's birthday and she had no more time to lose. She had to get home and get everything ready for the party in the evening. Quickly she banged on the bathroom door, yelling for Mathew to come out.

"Matt I promise I won't annoy you. God, you're such a butthead. We need to go it's already 10 am." She yelled through the door.

"Did you just call me a butthead? What are we? Five?"

Isabelle just screamed. "IT'S 10!!! TAKE ME HOME!"

"Give me a minute! I'll be there, go get in the car!" He screamed back.

Quickly Isabelle grabbed the keys from his desk and ran downstairs. She winced looking at the mess from last night's party. Oh well'. It's Mathew's problem now. Unlocking the car, she got in the front seat and waited.

Soon, Matt rushed out of the house, locking the door behind him and getting into the driver's seat. They were both ready to go.

"Step on it, minion! We're late!" Isabelle yelled. She was afraid her mom would go berserk if Isabelle wasn't there on time to help with the party planning and pre-party customs that their family had.

Mathew turned to face her. "Did you see that mess in my house? God, it's gonna take forever to clean."

Isabelle sarcastically nodded. "Hmm...I DON'T CARE!"

Mathew shook his head in exasperation and raced all the way to Isabelle's house, laughing whenever Isabelle squealed in joy when he went faster than the speed limit. They reached the house with 1 minute and 37 seconds left. Thank God. They didn't want to see Isabelle's mom mad, especially knowing how much these family parties mean to her.

Isabelle opened the door and Matthew followed her in.

"Hey, mom! I'm home. Well, we're home." She said, indicating at Mathew.

Isabelle's mother was at the kitchen counter, trying to prepare some sort of homemade snack for the party. Keyword- trying. When Isabelle's mom was under pressure, her cooking was the worst. Ever.

Isabelle quickly snatched the spatula from her mother's hand and planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek, trying to cover up for the pure terror on her and Mathew's faces.

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