{chapter 4} Nightmare

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"Hello". Said the scary man. I tried to close the door but he put his foot in the way.

"That is very unpleasant, for someone to close the door in your face".

No shit sherlock.

"I promise you princess that our time together will be great". He tries to touch my face but I jump back in time. He moves closer but I want to stand my ground. I may be small but I pack a punch.

"My name is Phlox....Phlox Neyhia Collins, say it right"

"You have a very quick mouth, but we can fix that". He turns to walk out.

"Phlox we will be soon living together. Be nice to me, ok? You won't like my angry side". After that he walks out and slams the door. I jump to lock it.

"Now let's get packing". I bring my suitcase out from the closet.

I make sure I packed important things like my panties, bras, you know etc. I then pack my toiletries.

"Done!! Now I can...."

Before I face plant into the bed.


"Yes mom". She pokes hee face into the door.

"Baby you might leave tonight. We only found tickets for tonight only to fly. Baby are you ok?".

I look at her dumbfounded.

"But momma... he looks...looks...scary."

"He's fine peach. You just need to get used to him."

"Mom he is not someone nice.i don't want to go with him. No!"

"Phlox Neyhia Collins. You are going now come give mommy kiss and me and daddy will leave."

I walk to her and give her a bear hug and kiss.

"Bye momma give daddy kiss for me."

"Oh hunny I willl".

I see the look in her eye and something tells me she and dad are gonna have a great time.
I see them go to the car and carefully put their things in and drive off.

Sooooo.........where is the scary man.


I roll my eyes. I turn around to him standing in front of me .i try to back up but forget the window is there.

"Hi umm can you move. Please."

"No i am ok right here."

"Please I... i don't like this. I am scared". I close my eyes and wait.

"Don't be afraid of me". His voice sounds like two people.

"Open your eyes". I keep them closed


I slowly open my eyes and let a tear fall. He is really scaring me. I cower in fear.
His eyes. They looked red almost blood like but glowing. He looked more muscular. He seemed deadly.


" don't fear me love. I only want to love you".

Does he not realize I am only 14.

The man is damn near 28.

"Breathe princess"

I didn't realize I was holding my breathe.

"We have to leave. Come. We have a lot to do tomorrow"

I grad my shies and go for my suitcase but

"No i will get this". We walk downstairs and to his car.

A new Jaguar.

We get in and he stars the engine.


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