you can run but can't hide from me ~

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"no no luciano no!" he yelled while running. he was running from him, the one that was hunting him down for years. luciano was faster than him. he caught to up to his 1p! and pinned him to a wall and put his knife against his throat . "you know you can't run from me~" he said while feliciano was trying to loosen his grip on him."p-please don't" he said crying. " you know not to take my pasta." luciano said then stabbed feliciano in the shoulder."luciano i'm sorry i'm sorry!" he said as he was shaking in fear. "have you learned your lesson?"he said smiling."si! si! i have learned my lesson, i am sorry!"he said still crying."good" he said dropping feliciano onto the cold cement.feli curled into a ball as luciano stabbed his leg . feliciano cried out in pain. the darker haired  italian picked up the wounded italian and carried him to his car. "p-please s-s-stop h-hurting me" the lighter haired italian managed to mutter out. " i am not going to hurt you anymore."he said. "th-then what  a-are you do-doing to me" he muttered out." i am going to help you with your wounds" he said looking down at feli. "w-why" feliciano said."i had my fun" luciano said.

he put feliciano in the back seat of the car lying down and got in the driver side starting the car. once they got to his house he got feli out of the car and brought him inside and laid him in his bed and grabbed the first aid and helped him. feli was fast asleep. when he was done he put the fist aid away and laid down with feli. "ti amo" he whispered.


sorry the first chapter is short but i got tired so i am going to sleep, night!


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