Harry at beach house

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Thank you to the person who wanted this one. My first comment! So enjoy this chapter and special thanks to Priscilla (you know who you are :)) Enjoy guys!

"Priscilla! get up!" Harry shouted at me. I opened my eyes quickly to see Harry sitting next to me in the car. He smiled at me. "We're here." I looked out the window to see the car parked on sand and a large beach house ahead. Harry got out of the car and started runnung to the beach house. "Last one there gets to sleep outside!" He yells back to me. I open the car door and start to sprint up to him. I almost catch up with him when he speeds up and jumps onto the sandy deck. "Look who is sleeping under the stars tonight." He laughs and I nudge him lighty. He wraps his arms around my waist And mine snake aound his neck. He presses his nose against mine. "How about we go inside?" Harry smiles. I nod my head and Harry picks me up bridal style and carries me into the house. He drops me onto the couch and takes off his shirt. His green eyes turn dark with lust and he lighty lies ontop of me. I felt a bulge growing in his pants. "Harry." I say in almost a whisper. Harry starts to kiss my neck leaving a love bite them licking a hot strip over it clerly pleased with the mark he made

"Priscilla, babe are you ready." I nod my head and bite my lip. I had had sex before with Harry but every time it was different. Harry fumbled with his belt buckle and rippped off his skinny jeans.He smirked at me and I chuckled. Harry started to grind on me making me tingle with pleasure. He collapsed on me lightly and started leaving a trail of kisses down my body. I moaned quietly as Harry pulled down my panties. He smiled and put his head between my legs. He made little circles around my clit at a fast pace. I arched my back ready to cum. Right before I did so Harry stopped. "Whatcha do that for!" I yelled. "you'll see." Harry said. He pulled down his boxers fast and his large penis slapped his belly. Harry looked down at me. I nodded my head and without warnin Harry slammed into me making me scream with pleasure. Harry sped up. Every time he thrusts inside me he hits me g-spot. "Harry ima c." Harry cuts me off "Me to babe!" "Say my name" Harry demands. "HhhArrry" I moan. this sends him to his climax. I cum all over his penis. Harry lies down. "Babe that was better than lat time." Harry says as he draws circles on my chest with his fingers. "Lets come here more often." I say smirking. Harry nodded and we fall asleep in each others arms

Hey sorry that took longer than I thought! The wifi is down at my house so I had to right this on my phone! anyway please comment and mms me! love u all byee~ Annie

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