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Disclaimer: I dont own Eyeshield 21 and the Image

A week has passed since their faithful encounter. Mamori and Satsuki becomes an honorary member of the team. After Mamori's decision to become a temporary manager, tell immediately told their boss Of course, they were ok with cause they would get exclusive after game interview.

Every practice both girls are always there. Satsuki satisfy her inner fangirl and always have questions to ask, from game play to personal ones. The team just rumor and answered some of her question.

While she is interviewing and generally helping the team, like giving out the water, towel and the likes, Mamori is always with Hiruma. She now has a permanent clipboard with her always, taking notes on it every practice. Their practices have become tougher but luckily Hiruma become tamer. Well, tamer for someone like Hiruma. He busy collecting more data, running through plays with Mamori and trying it on practice.

The team becomes more intrigued with Mamori. She is always there when Hiruma needed her and able to pass the information/something without any prompt. It's like she knows what on the devil's mind. There are also moments where they would start talking to themselves, using hand signals. When they asking about the signals Mamori just sighed and told them that it's for the game.


It's time for their semi-final game. The team is already walking to the locker room of the stadium when they were stop, or more specifically Mamori and Satsuki were stop, by the security. They were recognized as reporters and the section they were heading was for players only. Before any of the team was able to tell the guard about their situation of the girls, Hiruma beat them to it.

Hiruma draped his jersey, his Armadillos jersey, on Mamori and stared the guard down.

"She is with the team." His voiced is laced with a little possessiveness that they never knew. This shocked the whole team; expect for Mamori, acting like this was a normal thing.

The guards were intimated but Hiruma's imposing figure, especially the gun resting on his shoulder. They let them pass and the team continued their trek to the locker room while looking at the two in leading them. Mamori was about to return the jersey but Hiruma just pushed it back to her.

"Keep it for now, fucking manager. I don't want to fucking experience the same fucking problem again. With this, they will fucking know you're with us." He reasoned out, while adding to his mind 'And they will know you're fucking mine'. He grinned at her on that thought.

Mamori just looked at him a little confused with his grin but dismissed it. Besides, his jersey smelled like him, gun powder, coffee and mint, making her nerves relaxed a bit. She's excited and a little anxious as well. This will be her first game after a long time.


As they near the locker room, its door open up and one of the team that was playing earlier, and won, goes out. If the Armadillos win this game, they will facing this team on the final, the Boston Bears.

The two teams faced off for a minute before a cry took their attention.


The said man tensed up, hearing the familiar voice and decided to come up front to look for the owner of the voice. He didn't need to look further as the owner was the one came up to him and gave a bear hug.

This shocked both team, beside Hiruma, and stared at the two. The man, Sena, was only able to stutter out one name, "Ma-Mamori-nee-chan?"

After a few second, Sena shook out the shock and hugged back. He has a little smile on his face when they pulled apart.

"Mamori-nee-chan, what are you doing here? Wh-" he was cut off by his previous captain and quarterback

"She my fucking manager, fucking brat" he said while grinning and the gun still on his shoulder.

The Bears took offense for their running back being called 'fucking brat' while the Armadillos was keeping calm. This was usual for Hiruma but not all are immune to it. The coach of the Bears knew of Hiruma's reputation but never thought that he would degrade one of his players in front of them. He was about to tell him off when he was beaten to it.

"Yoichi, stop calling people with degrading names." Mamori reprimanded Hiruma, knowing it has no effect at all. She knew that he knew this as well with the deadpanned look he gave her. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when Sena interrupt her.

"It's ok Mamori-nee-chan." He knew how bad that fight would be if it would continue. "It's good to see you again Hiruma-san" he bowed a little to Hiruma.

Now, both teams are shocked that these three know each other. There was an awkward pause then the coach of Armadillos decided that they need to prepare.

"Alright folks, let get inside and get ready. Our game is almost up." he usher his players inside while the other team make way for team.

Just then, Sena notice that Mamori is wearing an Armadillos jersey and remember what Hiruma said earlier. He turned to Mamori who was walk up to Hiruma who was leaning on the side of the door waiting for her.

"Mamori-nee-chan, are you on the game today?" his questioned rang out on the corridor. His team, who was already walking away, stopped and turned around to his unexpected question while the other team pause their actions as well. They were all confused because they know a girl can't play but he just indicate like she was playing as well.

Instead of being confused as well, Hiruma and Mamori just looked at him and smiled, well smirked in Hiruma's case. This was an answered enough.

Sena smiled back, looking excited.

"Really? Then I'll watch you guys play." He exclaimed, surprising all of the people their expect that his former teammates.

Thank you for reading. Please R&R

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