I'll carry your world...with you (Edited)

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Justin's P.O.V

Panic raced through him. What if he couldn't do anything like Bella said. 

"No don't think about that, stay positive." He thought to himself. 

Eliza was looking at him with big round eyes. Justin gave her a reassuring smile. Taking deep breaths Justin felt light headed. He closed his eyes to concentrate better,but that seemed to make it worse. Justin felt nauseous. opening his eyes to give up, he looked down and all he saw was the ground 5 feet under him. He was actually  doing something with his powers. Eliza was smiling widely,Bella looked like she was seeing a magic trick being performed. Orlando just stood there in awe of everything. Justin slowly came down to the ground. Eliza ambushed him with a shower of kisses. 

"That was incredible!" she yelled. Justin smiled at her and gave her a passionate kiss. He couldn't think of anything except Coldplay's lyrics from Atlas."I'll carry your world." he felt as though she was there to support him and he was to support her. Justin tightened his arms around Eliza. 

"I've seen enough kissing you two." Dr.Sharpa stated flatly. As they pulled away smiling at each other they knew who was next. 

"Bella's turn." Justin said. 

Bella looked at Justin and if looks could kill, Justin was already six feet under. Bella broke her gaze away from Justin's eyes. Justin smirked. 

"This ought to be good." he thought.

 Boy was he right.

The Elements (Edited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant