Training (edited)

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Bella's P.O.V

Bella rolled over towards the middle of the bed, heading to the warmth. She was stopped by a wall of muscle. Opening her eyes she saw Orlando looking intently at her with a smirk on his face.

"Enjoying yourself?" she giggled.

 Orlando leaned in and kissed her forehead. Bella didn't want that so she grabbed his face and kissed him full on the lips. He kissed her back with the same amount of force.

"At least we weren't in our BED." Eliza said from the doorway. Bella pulled back from Orlando and blushed. 

"Come on,training starting." she finished. 

Sighing Bella pulled back the warm covers and went to the closet. She found a pair of black spanks and a mint green tank top. Bella assumed this would be good enough for HER specific training.

"Dr.Sharpa said that you have to wear a swimsuit." Orlando called from the bedroom.

 Bella rolled her eyes and put a pink swimsuit underneath her spanks and shirt. Walking out of the closet she gave Orlando a kiss and went to the main room. In the main room she saw Justin and Eliza eating oatmeal and drinking orange juice. Grabbing a cup she poured juice into it. 

"You need to eat a lot today." Eliza commented. 

Bella nodded. she noticed that Eliza was wearing spanks and a blue shirt, while Justin was wearing shorts and a black t-shirt. 

"Let's do this!" Orlando's eager voice came from the hall.

 He appeared wearing also shorts and a red shirt. It was going to be long day,Bella thought.

30 minutes later

Bella was still swimming her 500 warm up in the pool. She saw Justin running laps around the balcony,Eliza doing push ups and Orlando doing bench press. As she finished the final lap,Bella a bunch of guards pulling in a huge cage  and pointing at Eliza and Justin. They nodded to each other and moved towards them. Bella hopped out of the pool and moved towards Orlando. Watching the scene unfold before her. Little did she know that a tragedy was happening.

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