Review Requests

304 17 89

We have reopened!

So since I really love reading I decided to start reviewing the lovely stories written by you. I used to do this a lot around 2016-2017 and decided it was time to start doing them again.

Now I hope most of my reviews are gonna be positive like most of them back in 2016-2017 but if I don't like a story, I will be really straightforward and honest about it.

I've deleted all the reviews from stories that have since been unpublished.

You might be thinking about why should I even be writing these reviews in the first place, like who ever said that Im qualified enough to do this? Obviously that was no one but me, but my friends do refer to me as the honest one for a reason so I'm still gonna do these reviews.

So with that being said please leave the story you want me to review in the comments like this:

'Story Title' by author/myself

Awesome I think we got everything covered.
I'll be back soon with some new reviews!


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