Harry, Ron, and the twins are idiots

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Lyla P.O.V

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP" Hermione screamed as she jumped up and down on my bed. I had somehow slept through my alarm and it probably had nothing to do with the fact that I was up until one in the morning with 'Mione as we quizzed each other on grade two knowledge.

"Ok, ok i'm getting up" I grumbled as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I trudged into the bathroom and washed my face with ice cold water. That really woke me up.

"Morning 'Mione" I called as I jumped through the door and onto my bed. We had a habit of jumping on the bed in the morning until one of us flew off. It was Hermione this morning. We sprinted downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Granger" I called as Hermione came to a halt by the table. I wasn't as lucky though and I slammed into the corner of the table.

"Owwwww" I called as I rubbed my side. I lifted my shirt up to see a large bruise already forming. Hermione ran over to investigate it. If only we were allowed to use magic, then the bruise would be gone before you could say "Bruise"

"Are you ok Lyl's" Hermione looked concerned as she stared at the quickly forming bruise.

"Yes, i'm fine, it hurts a little but i've been in worse" I said through gritted teeth "This is nothing compared to that troll" I muttered under my breath. I think Hermione got the main concept of what I muttered because she stopped questioning. Breakfast that morning was eggs on toast before 'Miones parents leave for work (They're dentists). Once we were finished we ran up to her bedroom which was at the top of the house. I walked into the room to hear Harry calling my name.

"Lyla, Lyla, Lyla are you there" I smiled at 'Miones expression and ran to retrieve the mirror from my trunk.

"Harry, what's up, how are you" I said into the mirror. Hermione was looking over into my mirror with an astonished expression.

"First up, their furious at what you did to Dudley, he has a HUGE bruise on his face" He said this with a huge grin. "I'm proud of you sis, but they locked me up but not for what you did, they put metal bars on my window and locked Hedwig in her cage" He said before panning the mirror around the room and showing me the disaster.

"So that's why you haven't been responding to our letters" Hermione said to Harry.

"Partly, I haven't even received them because some house elf called Dobby has been stealing them so I don't go back to school" I frowned. Why would a house elf be trying to prevent Harry from going back to school, that's bizarre.

"You don't think someone's telling him to do it as a joke do you" Hermione asked over my shoulder and into the mirror.

"Maybe" Harry responded.

"I don't think so, if someone was doing that then they must be greatly against Harry, and even then, a student wouldn't have that much power over their house elf, it would be the parent" I said without even really thinking. I was in a daze and I just let Hermione and Harry talk about what they thought.

"Lyla, what do you think" Harry asked. This brought me out of my daze and Hermione and Harry were looking at me expectantly.

"I, ar, kinda zoned out" I mumbled, Harry looked fairly annoyed and Hermione gave me a look.

"Anyway, I better go, the Dursley's are waking" Harry whispered.

"Who the ruddy hell are you talking to boy" I heard a man's voice yell from Harry's side.

"Bye" He said hurriedly before breaking the connection. I sighed before getting up and going to the mirror. I changed my hair to a lighter shade of brown before getting changed into a T-shirt and some denim shorts. The good thing is that metamorphmagus powers didn't count as using magic so it didn't matter how much I changed my appearance. I put my wand in my back pocket and made sure it didn't show. A week ago a muggle (or my cousin and his friends) actually asked why I carried a stick in my pocket. We were wandering through the park off my old street, private drive.

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