Neon Green

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Beep. Beep. Beep

I looked at my alarm clock in pure hatred. I quickly picked it up and chucked it across my bedroom.

"Janey, time to get up for school!" Aunt Rinelle shouted from downstairs.

I slowly got out from beneath my covers and pressed my feet against the dark wood of my floor. My room was the attic but it was still comfortable. I set my green and purple bedsheets back on the bed and headed to my closet.

My walk-in closet was a small open space with a hallway-like space in the back.

Hmm. What should I wear today?

I finally picked out a red top with black legging to match. I quickly put them on and walked over to my vanity. My soft blonde hair I decided just to put in a ponytail. My makeup was black eyeliner and white eyeshadow.

"Janey you're gonna be late!" Aunt Rinelle reminded me.I all but sprinted down the stairs to see the school bus ride pass my house. I turned around to see my aunt look at me with disappointment.

"Oops?" I offered. Aunt Rinelle waved me into the kitchen.

When I entered I was greeted by the lovely smell of breakfast. Bacon, eggs, sausage, and waffles. Yum!

My two cousins Reggie and Georgie were already eating and playing with one of our cats with a laser pointer.

"Pinky, come here girl" I called my cat over to the table.

"Lucy Maria Jane Quinzel!" I heard my uncle roar. "This is the third time this week you have been late to school, why don't you just wake up a little earlier and stop breaking alarm clocks?" I looked up from my plate to see my Uncle Grayson making his plate.

"I'm sorry" I looked down back to my plate as Reggie and Georgie started giggling at the sight of me getting in trouble.

I have lived with my Aunt and Uncle for as long as I can remember. I hated my name when I was little and I could never say Lucy, instead I would say juicy. So everyone started calling me Janey to make my life a little easier.

I never asked why my parents left me, I never really cared. The only time when I would feel the abandonment or sorrow of not knowing them was mother and father type days or events. But in my mind they gave me up, why should I care what happened to them if they didn't want me?

In my Aunt's head I was fitting in nicely. I had good grades, I never got into trouble with the law, and I did my chores. But that was far from the truth. I hated living with them.

It was obvious that I wasn't their child from my long, curly, natural platinum blonde hair, compared to their red, curly hair. My eyes were a light violet color. Doctors said it was a rare genetic mutation. But my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins had bright, blue eyes that sparkled. Mine were dull.

I stood and walked to the living room to grab my backpack. The bag was purple with a picture of the infamous Joker on the front pocket with the words Team Joker written underneath it.

Reggie and Georgie soon came out of their room with their backpacks. Reggie had Batman and Georgie had Robin. They adored the self-declared vigilantes and almost worshipped them as gods. It was cute but annoyed the hell out of me.

I liked the Joker but I didn't worship him. Even I wasn't that crazy. I just thought he was misunderstood and wanted attention. Was that so bad? Everyone deserves a little bit of respect and attention. I didn't like Batman for the sheer fact he was pretty much just a grown man in a rubber suit that liked playing hero with his little gadgets.

My Uncle Grayson left for work giving us all a kiss on the forehead. Aunt Rinelle grabbed her purse after he was pretty far down the road and the four of us packed into her small car.

Usually Reggie, Georgie, and I ride the bus to school. But when I am late for the bus Aunt Rinelle drives all of us since our schools are only a mile apart from each other. The boys go to North Gotham Elementary school and I go to Central Gotham Highschool.

After we dropped the boys off me and Aunt Rinelle stopped at Nutrition Blast to get a smoothie. When I got out of the passenger side of the car I heard the second period bell go off.


"After you get your smoothie you are gonna have to walk the rest of the way to school, okay? I'm late so I gotta go" without even as much as a good bye she shoved the money I would need for the smoothie and lunch and drove off.

I quickly bought my drink and started the short ten minute walk to school. I could see it from the store.

'Central Gotham Highschool Home Of The Bats!' Read proudly on the stadium sign as I passed the football field and into the parking lot as I walked.

'How in the world are Bats considered fierce or a force to be reckoned with like a school mascot should be?' I thought as I rolled my eyes at the Batman logo on the school door.

I walked casually into the main office and sipped at my strawberry banana smoothie. The receptionist looked at me and chuckled.

"Late again Janey?" She laughed as I filled out my late form and she filled out my unexcused absence slip. I smirked in answer.I quickly ran to my locker and put away my band instrument.

I took my sweet time in the halls seeing as there was only ten minutes left of second hour. So I just walked with my bag slung over one shoulder and my hands in my pocket as I made my way to the other side of the school.

"Janey! Where have you been?" I heard a voice from behind me call out. I turned to see my best friend Sydney come running down the hall with her flute case in her hand.

Sydney Greene has been my friend since she came to this school when her mother was admitted into Arkham Asylum. She was immediately thought of as an outcast because of it. But she only ever told me who her mother was. Poison Ivy.

Since then I became fascinated by Sydney's life and would constantly ask her questions about life on the run. Much to her annoyance I often invited her to my house to do interview-like sessions. And soon it became apparent that we had a lot in common.

"I missed the bus again" I explained with a shrug. She rolled her eyes and started walking with me to our next class that we shared.

"Hey Janey, what did you do to your hair? Did you use colored hair spray? It looks greenish" Sydney pointed to my hair. I gave her a weird look.

My hair is turning green? No. Impossible. It can't turn green I didn't do anything different to it then normal.

"Haha, very funny" I elbowed her in the ribs as I rolled my eyes in sarcasm. She pulled me into the bathroom.

"Look!" She pointed at my image in the mirror.

My hair was a light neon green...

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