It Didn't Stop Me From Hoping

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Namjoon was 16 when his soulmate's name appeared on his wrist. It was written in thick black lettering.

He had just blew out his candles on his birthday cake, when he felt a tickle on his wrist. He looked down at his right wrist and visibly paled. He sighed with frown etched on his face. It wasn't who he wanted it to be.

Yoongi leaned over Namjoon's shoulder and swiped his finger in the icing, only to bring it back and wipe it on his nose.

"We both knew it wasn't going to be me" he said and kissed the icing off the younger. Namjoon smiled and turned around to face him.

"I know, but it didn't stop me from hoping" Namjoon replies, kissing the older male.


It's on Namjoon's 18th birthday when his tattoo changed to the color red.

"We both knew it wasn't going to be me" Yoongi said laying his head on Namjoon's lap and looking at the night sky. The two were in the backyard of Namjoon's house, on a blanket that was laid out with some snacks so they could look up at the stars together. Yoongi had been holding Namjoon's hand when it changed color and they were reminded again that they weren't made for each other.

"I know, but it didn't stop me from hoping." Namjoon replied, running his hand through Yoongi's blonde hair.

"Hyung, do you think that you'll find your soulmate?" Namjoon asks him, worry evident in his voice.

"If I do, I'll tell them to fuck off. You're the only one I care about Joon-ah" Yoongi tells him and reaches up to caress Namjoon's cheek. "I won't leave. I promise." He adds.

Namjoon rubs his fingers over Yoongi's tattoo, the name Park Jimin engraving itself into his mind.


Namjoon is 23 when it all comes crashing down.

"So you'll buy it for me hyung?" Taehyung asks him, shoving a book in his face.

"No. What the fuck do you need it for?" Namjoon asks, slapping the book to the floor and continuing to shop for the food they need.

"Hyung! What if my soulmate like memes? I have to make sure they're the dankest." Tae complains and waves the book around.

"Oh well in that case" Namjoon starts, turning towards the boy. "No" He snaps and walks to a different aisle. Taehyung frowns and puts the book back, following his hyung around the store.

"But Namjoon-hyung!"

"Taehyung! Shut up! I'm sure this Seokjin person will like you even if your memes aren't dank!" Namjoon yells. "Please just shut your mouth" He adds, grabbing the last two things he needs and heading to checkout.

Taehyung doesn't talk to him until they get home and see Yoongi standing at the door.

"Why is he here?" Taehyung grimaces as he unlocks the door, not missing the glare Yoongi sends his way.

"Let's just go inside before you get the cops called on us again." Yoongi says.

"That was your fault and it was one fucking time." Tae says and walks inside, toeing off his shoes and placing the bags in the kitchen. Namjoon walks in a little while after him and places the rest of the bags down.


"I met him today Joon." Yoongi tells him, looking down at his feet. Namjoon knows who he's talking about, just from the look on his face.

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