Chapter One

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The cold of September was settling in around Hogwarts. The wind was constant and cold, and the rain seemed never ending.

Tonight was perfect though. The wind died down to a slow and quiet breeze, and the sun was out for a small amount of time earlier today.

If you were at the library, at this time of night, sitting on a desk in the restricted section, you would surly go by the name Hermione.

She sat with a gray blanket, wrapped around her lap, and a book in her hands.

Hermione's P.O.V.

Now, the first sign of someone who was using dark magic, for creating horcruxes was in-

Merlin. I've read that over twenty times now.

I sighed deeply.

This is all bollocks. I haven't heard from Harry or Ron in forever, there have been more attacks, and the threat of Voldemort is getting stronger.

Merlin. I need sleep, but I just can't.

I snap my head around the front of the library, quickly casting a whispered Nox, at the intrusive sound of someone wandering into the library.

Not even the old bickering librarian was in the library much anymore.

" Miss Granger?"

I let a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Over here Professor." I said a loud, re- lighting the lights.

I heard light shuffling until I saw the Professor standing at the beginning of the restricted section.

" Ah. Miss Granger, I was told you'd be in here."

"Minerva sent me to-" he coughed, " excuse me, Professor McGonagall sent me to give you this."

I grabbed the note from my Professor's hand and read it three times over, just make sure I read it right.

Miss Granger,

Meet me at the Apparition borders by one thirty.


I nodded my head,

" Thank you, Professor." Hermione was happy to see that a small smile tugged on the Professors lips, making him look more cheerful.

He waved his hand in the air, " No harm done," he patted his stomach, " It was no problem." And started to walk off but turned back around and faced Hermione.

"What, may I ask, are you doing here so late?"

With a slight hesitation, she said, "Studying, Professor."

" Well you should probably take a rest Hermione, are you sleeping well?" His squinted, as if he was studying her.

She didn't answer.

He made a slight nod of his head.

" Well, I'll be happy to brew up some sleeping potion if you ever need it." He stocked of, and before he left Hermione said, "Sir!" 

" Might I take you up on that offer sometime?"

Muggle sleeping pills simple weren't working anymore. Her nights consisted of trying to shut her brain down, and to fail, again, and again. The thoughts of Harry, and Ron, her parents and other poor souls constantly running in her head non-stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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