Soccer Tryouts

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I get to the high-schools locker room at 11:50, just enough time to get ready. I change into my black soccer shorts and a blue sports bra with a white shirt. Then I put on my gear.

I head out to the sign in table that is being run by the team captain, Marissa, a bitchy senior who thinks she is better than everyone. I start to put my name down on the varsity tryout paper and Marissa laughs and she says "you think you will make varsity? I bet you wouldn't even make the freshman team."

Is just ignore her and walk to my friend kasey who is also trying out for varsity. She starts rambling about how nervous and excited she is and talks about the coaches."you know how we got a new head coach? Well I saw him when I was going to the locker rooms and Damn he is hot like drool worthy hot.

Now I am even more excited for tryouts because the head coach is the one who coaches the varsity team mostly. I hear a whistle and we turn and run to coach Miller. She is the freshman coach and she starts welcoming us and telling us how excited she is and that stuff and then we start to warm up. For part of our warm ups we run a lap around the soccer field and I look around at all the girls trying out then I look at coach Miller and she is talking to the other coaches and I see someone awfully familiar. I think it's josh he looks over at us running and makes eye contact with me. And that is when I trip. And then I got stepped on. And then i got laughed at by marissa. Then I stand up and try to catch up to the rest of the group. When I finish my lap the rest of the girls are already surrounding the coaches and talking to them. I run up to them and see josh smirking at me. "Look who decided to show up what's your name?" I guess he is either pretending he doesn't know me or has a really bad memory. " I'm Tara" I say with a small wave. He laughs and starts talking " I would like to thank you all for coming to tryouts, I am the new head coach you can call me coach larkin or Mr. Larkin In school." They have a weird rule at my school that to be a coach if any sport you also have to be a teacher." I teach different math classes for juniors and seniors. Now you know who I am let's get started with tryouts!"

For the next two hours we did lots of different tests and drills to test our ball skills and physical skills. Since it is hot outside most if us are stripped down to our sports bras. After our last set of sprints they blow the whistle and we go over to the coaches. They tell us that we will be called by one of the coaches if we had made the team. We all start to walk back to the locker rooms. I hear coach larkin say my name. I turn around a jog over to him. He says " you are a great soccer player. You are going to be one of the varsity starters. Don't tell anyone you already know you made the team. And I hope to see you more." And with that he winks at me and walks off and I am left there smiling to myself. I hope that I will see more of you too josh larkin.

I walk to the locker rooms and everyone is gone. Wow what a great friend kasey is leaving me here. Just kidding I know that she had to go to work. I slowly start to change and I think to myself. what if I actually had a relationship with josh that would be amazing. I have read stories about student teacher relationships and j just loved the forbidden part of the relationship and keeping things secret. I would love it so much. And when school starts he could be my math teacher and he could "tutor" me. I laugh at myself that would never happen. He is so hot he could probably get any girl he wanted that wasn't a high schooler. Oh well at least i probably made the team.

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