chapter four

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Chapter four  

Skye's P.O.V  

We all go a little insane sometimes 

Even though I wasn't in shock anymore I felt distance, like I was here but not really here. Like this wasn't real. My best friend didn't die nor did I kill a boy who I knew for ages. This was all a dream. I watched James pace the floor and Ryan and the new girl sitting on the floor talking; I realized that their mouths were moving but no words were coming out. 

How strange, I thought. 

I continued to watch them talk trying to make out what they were saying but I couldn't hear them. Now that I realized there was no sound I noticed I couldn't hear James' sneakers as they went across the floor, I couldn't even hear my own breathing. I grew worried if I can't hear my breathing, is my heart still beating? I quickly brought my hand up to my chest then let out a sigh of relief once I heard my heart beat. 

I let a giggle, how weird would that be if my heart wasn't beating and I was still alive. I let another giggle which turned into a full blown laugh. James and the others looked at me with worried expressions. A loud pop came in my ear and suddenly I could hear again; James stopped pacing and Ryan and the girl stopped talking, the only thing you could hear was my laugh which sounded quite insane. I quickly stopped laughing. 

"Skye are you alright?" James asked  

"I'm fine. I just realized how funny it would be if my heart stopped beating but I would still alive" I started to let out another giggle but then frowned 

"Now that I say it out loud it doesn't really sound funny. But oh well" I said shrugging my shoulders. 

Ryan started to say something but a hard glare him James made him close his mouth 

"Um, ok Skye. We need to get out of here and go back to the dorms" 

"No silly, I'm already in my dorm room" a loud snort came from Ryan and James looked at me bewildered. 

"Sweetie, why do you think you're in your dorm room" the girl asked shushing Ryan 

"Well this is just a dream and if this is a dream, I'm already in my dorm. So I don't need to go back to my dorm, I just need to wake up" a look of sympathy came on her face 

"This isn't a dream, dimwit" Ryan muttered loudly.  

I glared at him "it is a dream, toothpick"  

James let out a loud laugh and the girl chuckled but it took Ryan a minute to catch on. He jumped up from where he was sitting "yeah, well your sister didn't seem to do much complaining" he shouted in outrage. I stood up and in two quick strides I was standing in his face 

"Don't you ever, ever say anything about my sister and if I hear you even breathe her name I will end you. Do you understand me?" I growled  

He paled "o-ok. I'm sorry" 

I wasn't really the type to fight but when I did it was because someone pissed me off real bad. Two years ago a football jock name brad, had asked my sister out and when she said no he started telling people he slept with her and she would put out for anybody. When those rumors came around to me I found brad and broke his arm and his leg. After that no one dared talked about my sister. 

I relaxed "not that it really mattered. Cause this is just a dream" I went back to my seat and sat down. 

"This is not a dream Skye. This is real life" the girl said walking over to me  

I rolled my eyes at her "whatever"  

"Oh for goodness sake" she grabbed my arm and pinched me hard. I felt a sharp pain; I pulled my arm back "ow, that hurt"  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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