Aliens, Terminators, and Puny Humans

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[]1115 Hours[]

"Listen up everyone!" Azubuike's visor cleared, his face shown to all the personnel in the room. "We don't have much time, and we have a small army waiting on us above ground. We take our injured, we take the tags of our fallen, and we get offworld."

"That same strike force took this base when we had many more soldiers. How do you plan to beat them back? Much less get out of this alive!" Someone protested from the crowd.

"This time, there's an Infinity Class Warship orbiting the planet and letting hell loose on the Covenant. I doubt the Loyalists can expect waves of reinforcements with something like that in the skies. Whatever's sending them troops, it'll be found soon enough. We kill the bastards outside, that should be the end of this. We'll be using our knowledge of this base to our advantage. Anyone who knows the corridors, this place's secrets, anything we could use to escape or cause a diversion. I need you to stand." As several people stood, a smile slowly crept onto his face. His visor polarized. "Now..."

[]1127 Hours[]

Not fifteen minutes later, Remnant One was leading two strike teams of ten furiously against Covenant forces, accompanied by marines who spent extended amounts of time in Outpost Xerxes. It definitely gained them an advantage over their enemies, who'd only been fighting there for at most a day.

Meanwhile Remnant Three, who'd taken the most skilled of the bunch and split them into smaller teams under her command, followed the directions of one of the scientists stationed here, her units escorting all non-combat personnel to the cave systems below.

As far as plans went, Azubuike's distraction tactic worked pretty damn well.

"Remnant Four to Remnant One, destination is secure. Package is heading offworld about now, we're coming back to reinforce-"

"Keep with the data, Chase!" The ODST took cover behind a wall, his Battle Rifle clicked –out of ammo- and he switched weapons, dual wielding Magnums and moving swiftly, him and the marines following him executing a slaughter. "Come back with a bit of armor though will ya?"

"As long as we're not backing up a graveyard." Four returned, and then cut off the connection, leaving Azu to the fighting.

He ducked, rolled, and tossed a frag grenade down the hall, and it tore through the Jackals that were marching with their shields raised. Standing above him a marine made a horrid screeching noise as he was hit several times by a stationary, falling to the ground with a THUD behind Azubuike. The latter temporarily let his anger convey through words.

"Somebody get the goddamn turret!!" No one wasted time at this, his tone was motivation enough. "Three how're you holding up down there?" His voice returned to normal, and he raised his arm as a bit of steel melted and plasma burst over him.

"Well enough, no casualties so far and the way down is virtually unguarded."

"In other words, 'good job, Senpai.'" He grinned brightly under his helmet.

Cassandra snorted. "Never saying that."

Azubuike looked down the hall, seeing it was clear, he grabbed the tags of the fallen and moved on with the others. "Interior clear?"

"Yessir!" One of the marines shouted.

"Alright, once we get outside these walls the real fight starts. We're going to need some heavy weaponry to deal with those wraiths. Snipers up top, and we'll need men gunning those turrets to take care of anything that might pop up in the skies, as well as suppressing the enemy or thinning them out. Let's get to it."

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