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Hello. My name is Nicholas Roberts. I am 15 years old in High School (I'm changing it, one letter or number isn't enough to edit.) I am currently getting ready for my transfer from my high school, to WWE's high school. It is located on an island that I have no idea where it is. Apparently you can't use normal social media, so they made their own. They also take your phone, and replace it with a phone that only works on the Island.
I honestly have no idea how I was enrolled. I mean, my ex-girlfriend, Paige who was my girlfriend, got me to enroll. I guess she talked who ever into letting me in. What she didn't expect, is that if she was going to stay my girlfriend. Now you may be wondering, how I could talk to Paige if it's secluded? Well, she had 2 phones. And they took one. And she had one. Anyways, eventually they found out and they let by have it. Of course, they messed with the phone to make sure the location wasn't showing. But we were just texting. But that phone was used by friends of hers. So I know some people.
One day, out of the blue, she broke it off. It hurt. She still has the phone, I think.  This was 2 weeks ago. So I'm semi over it.
     So I'm single heading into something I have barley any knowledge about. Is that a good thing? I don't know.
All i got from the letter I received was three things.
1) they pick you up from your house, take you to their private jet, and pick up other new students, or students returning from break.
2) winter break is when everyone goes back to their families for a week.
3) all dating must go through the authorities of the school.
That last part is definitely weird. But it's to make sure they know everything. It's not my school anyways.
    I have to at least get a new girlfriend. I'm hoping its there, because i'm pretty sure the distance is what drove me and Paige apart. Now she despises me. And I have no idea why. So the next thing is to figure out why. Well, tomorrow all of that happens, so I should probably get to sleep so I can get to the island quicker.


So you've just read the prologue and you want in? Just fill out the details in the first chapter. I plan on writing the first "real" chapter of this story around the 20th, so get to filling in. Either PM or write it in the comments. But, I going to give a big shout out to ClaudiaSAW for making the cover! Huge thank you there. She also did the cover for my other wrestling story, The Fast Way. So I strongly recommend her if you are looking for a cover for your wrestling stories! Anyways, as a man of my word, She choose Dean Ambrose in her form.So Bayley and Dean Ambrose are locked. Sorry lunatic fans..
Anyways, I'll see you people later!


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