Chapter 2

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I did not really believe that George is truly engaged to Ms Grey unless it was publicly announced. It might as well be a casual fling.

My thoughts were interrupted when the carriage reached the entrance of Mrs Allingham's Mansion. There is to ball today and my family is invited.

The hallway was magnificent with a dazzling chandelier, soft carpet and all the fine, great things you can name of. The long mirror caught my reflection. A different lady stared back at me. The low-necked turquoise sequined flowing gown held my figure elegantly and perfectly. The long wavy-brown hair rippled down freely: swaying every time I move.

Mother interrupted the spell since it is time to go.


Lots of guests attended the ball. It was most ladies' season including mine. The ladies came with their over-protective chaperones.

I smiled to myself; thankfully my mother permitted me not to have a chaperone. Besides, that person may interfere with mother's choice of cloth for my attire.

A gentleman requested for a dance and I accepted. As I was waltzing, George walked in with a lady in the crook of his arm. The lady is extremely lovely like a Greek goddess with beautiful, blue eyes. No wonder George fell for her. He whispered something in her ear which made her laugh. God, I wish that I were in her place.

My heart was slowly crumbling..... but the worst smashed it completely. Slowly, George leaned it to kiss her.

My heart just shattered into a million pieces that the insides of my chest ached. Hot tears are on the verge of falling. Thankfully, the dance ended which gave me an opportunity to escape the room unnoticed.

I ran with all my might; sliding past the crowd hoping that George would not see me. Only one motive formulated into my mind. That is to escape to my special place-the forest.

Searching vainly for some sort of transportation, I found a house left by one of the guards. Swift like the wind, I rode to the place of solace and peace.

Tears began to trail down as I rode. The cold wind blew strong; sending shivers through my whole body. When I reached the tip of the forest, the welcoming fragrance of the pine trees lingered in the air. I am here at last! The forest is at least 60 miles from where I live so it took a long time to arrive.

Gently alighting from the horse, I leaned against one of the trees and sobbed. Unfortunately, rain start to pour down accompanied by Thunder.

"Just great." I stared up to the sky. I spread my arms and twirled slowly. Despite the unfortunate event that took place earlier, the rain washes away my tears and sorrow. I smiled like a child. If only things were calm like rain and thunder. They have freedom whereas in society, one has to be cautious of every move so as to avoid being scorned.

As I stood twirling in the rain for a long time, I began to feel numb and dizzy. The world seems to slip away from me as I slowly collapsed. It seemed like forever when I felt strong arms under me as I was being lifted.

I forced my eyes to open a little. The man who rescued me looked strangely familiar. Who could it be?

I struggled in vain to think but only to be enveloped by sleep. Unexpectantly, I felt cold so I moved in closer to the stranger's chest. To my surprise, he trembled to my actions. Unable to comprehend the situation, I fell into a deep slumber.



Who is the stranger? Stay tuned for Chapter 3 to find out!!

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