Dating? Eh eh?

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*now from the bts dorm view *
        Everyone was up and Jin was cooking breakfast. "Hey guys 2 people are coming over today is that ok?" Suga asked. Namjoon sighed like he knew what was going on. "Really Suga? I said I don't want a girlfriend!" Everyone gasped especially v. "WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? A POTENTIAL GIRLFRIEND FOR THE MONSTER?!" Taehyung said while having his arm around jungkook pushing him back and forth harshly. This is when Jin freaked out. "GIRLFRIEND?! Namjoon I don't want to seem weird but please use condoms when it's time and don't be too loud if you are-"IM NOT DATING ANYONE! Suga is just trying to hook me up!" They all were wowed by the tone the leader used. "Well nam I'm inviting them anyway and I'm going off with Merissa so you and Kirstin stay at the dorm. NO buts!" Namjoon gave in and let Suga invite them.

~~time skip to when they come over~
(Because I'm lazy af)

*nam pov!!!💟*

    I heard knocking at the door. "Suga they are here open the door for them!" Suga ran really fast for no reason to the door. Everyone was in their rooms, but I think they were just waiting to talk to Kirstin when Suga leaves....not that I have a problem with that or anything. The two of them came in and I could tell they spent like 4 hours watching a YouTube video on how to do perfect natural smoky makeup because DAYUM LET ME SLIDE THOSE PANTIES OFF (ok he didn't acually say that I just wanted to make the reference.) Suga was getting ready to leave right after with Merissa. "See you later nam! Make sure you arnt boring!" With that Suga left.

*suga pov* because I kno u want it😑

      We went outside leaving the two to acually become friends. Merissa looked really good idk what's different but she should do that all the time. "So where are we going?" Merissa asked Suga since he seemed to be spacing out. "I've decided to take us roller skating, it should be fun. I acually rented the place out for an hour and we can set up our own music and stuff." Merissa seemed exited but concerned. "You didn't have to do that, but ya it seems fun." They both made it to the building to do le skating (it's now 3rd person because yolo) they went inside and got their skates. "Wow your feet are small." Merissa looked up instantly. "Well it's not my fault your feet are huge!" They both laughed while Suga went to put on music. Spine breaker came on and Suga went to go roller skate with Merissa.  Suga being the lazy show off he is started roller skating backwards. "Bet you can't catch me now !" They both sped up. They went really fast around a corner and Merissa slipped and landed straight in her butt. "Owwwchhh" Suga stopped so fast that he almost fell also. "Are you ok does anything hurt?!" Merissa got up and dusted off. "Nope but you'll hurt if you don't catch up!" She sped away as Suga chased.

*time skippppp:$?&?7;blowlikefute13

They were both really tired and almost fell asleep on the table. "Hey we should get going it's almost time to leave." They both got up and that's when Merissa fell again but she fell on Suga. "Oh uhhh sorry yoongi!" She looked up and their faces we're really close. Suga looked and was glad he caught her but not that ok with the situation. He couldn't deny it tho. "Your eyes are really pretty Merissa.." That's when she closed her eyes and went closer. Yoongi was crazy shocked. (What Suga is thinking rn: HOLY FUCK CHRIST DO I HAVE A BONER WTF OMG IS THIS WHHAAAATTTT) Suga decreased the space between their faces and their lips touched shocking the both of them acually. Suga backed up and they stared at each other until Merissa spoke up. "Uhhm do i mean, when do you plan on us dating? Umm because I'm ready if you are its uh just I really you an-" Suga kissed Merissa it lasted longer but it wasn't too cray cray. Suga let go because they were out of air. "I'd love to date you trust me but...we have only known each other for a while and I want to know you better." They both took their skates off and went out of the building letting Suga drive home. (Wow I was reading this over and that was fucking quick. Great Suga you kiss a girl and basically ditch the convo *clapps everywhere*) When they got home they found Kirstin and nam on the couch passed out almost falling onto each other. J-hope Jin and jimin were in the kitchen and v was taking photos of them. "Welcome home" tae had to keep himself from laughing because he was taking pictures and videos of them and they fell on each other and nam was snoring really loud. "What will I do now I can't just wake her up its kinda late." Suga had a brilliant idea. "You can sleep in my room!" Merissa was shocked but she went with it because she was so tired. They went upstairs and Suga flopped on the bed. Suga went under the covers and looked over at Merissa who was taking her coat off. "I'm so tired I could fall asleep rig.." Merissa laughed hearing the mini snores come out of yoongi as he drifted off. She went under the covers and they fell asleep awaiting the next day waking up next to each other.

OMFG MY WHOLE OTHER SIDE OF MY HAND IS NUMB. My arm feels like it's going to snap so I'm done i might write the nam and Kirstin view point tonight or tomorrow. More so tomorrow but peace out homies!👌🏻💟

Weird bts Suga story with namUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum