Chapter 1

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Francisco Lachowski as the pizza boy

Ruth's POV

I was grumpy.
Not just grumpy but hungry.

I went over this with my family like 1,000 times. Whenever they buy pizza, they have to share. My brother, Marco, somehow forgot this rule.

Him and his little girlfriend bought some good fucking pizza and decided to eat it all. I can almost feel my body shutting down due to lack of cheese, sauce and crust.

"Ruth, stop fucking wasting your birthday money on shit!" screams an obnoxious voice belonging to my younger sister, Marla. Yeah I know, I'm a pretty horrible sibling for letting my 14 year old sister cuss but fuck it.

I had just turned eighteen on the twelfth of June. Yet I still live with my parents, I know; pathetic. Anyways, gathering up my birthday money I had about $490. Now in the middle of August, I own only a single 20 dollar bill. About a third of the money was wasted on pizza.

So now my last bill will also be wasted on pepperoni pizza and cheesy bread.

I hopped on my rolling-chair and turned on my desktop. I've ordered so many times on Domino's website that all my information is already saved in. This makes everything faster. I clicked one last button and all the magic happened. I desperately waited on my couch for the Domino's car to show up at my door.

My heart would jump whenever a car passed by but immediately drop when I don't notice Domino's logo on the car. I was like a puppy, watching cars go by. I gave up on looking and slouched down on my leather couch, getting lost in the game world of Candy Crush.

I jolted off my seat when the doorbell ranged. I quickly fixed my clothes and got my last 20 dollar bill. Right after I opened the door and stepped on the porch, I blinked several times. Right in front of me stood a young, Greek god who was sculpted by the angels in Heaven. His light brown eyes sparkled in the darkness of the evening. He stood tall in a black leather jacket with the Domino's shirt under. His hair was styled and fluffy making me want to run my fingers through his locks.
He left me speechless, breathless. How could somebody look so fucking perfect?

Holy smokes, fuck me.

"Excuse me?" a deep, husky voice asked. His honey brown eyes stared straight into my dull blue ones, while titling his head to the side.

Did I say that out loud?

"Shit" I muttered. "I was... Uhm... I meant holy smokes, lucky me. 'Cause ya know, good smelling pizza and stuff." I looked away from his intense stare and down to my old converse.

Yeah nice save, Ruth. Not.

An amused look sparked in his features. "$19.86" he replied. Still mesmerized by his gorgeous face I nodded and gave him the last of my birthday money.

"Keep the change" I whispered. Why the hell am I whispering?! Smile, Ruth, smile. And so I did. I put on a smile and watched as he returned it. I admired him as his pearly white teeth literally twinkled.

"Here, your pizza. Enjoy" he smirked.
I grabbed the box and stared at him as he strutted down the steps of my porch and into the black company car.

I bit my bottom lip excitedly. Holy shit was he cute. I smiled and turned back to the front door, only to bump in to it with my face.


I looked down at the pizza to see if it was hurt, but instead I saw a yellow sticky note peeking out of the side of the box with black-pen handwriting. I pulled it out and read:

Call or text- 655-3031
-pizza boy

Author's Notes

Hey readers!
This is my first short story that I feel confident to publish.

I am so excited to continue writing this book. I randomly got the idea while literally searching Francisco Lachowski on Google while eating pizza.

The main female character will be played by Cara Delevingne but you can imagine her to be whoever you want. I will put the cast list when I have access to my computer.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Updates will happen once I see people are reading this book only because if only one or two people are reading, I won't be motivated to continue writing.

Anyways, toodles!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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