Chapter 29- The Final Hogsmeade Trip

Start from the beginning

"-saw Snape die-"

"-snuck into Hogwarts-"

"-fought the Battle of Hogwarts-"

"-loved people-"

"-lost people-"

"-and we defeated Voldemort." Harry finishes, hugging them tighter. "And those are just some of the big things- we've done so much together, so much that the thought of any of us being apart is unthinkable. And I'll make sure it doesn't happen."

Ron wipes his eyes, Hermione dabs at hers and Harry rubs his own, pushing his glasses up for a second before letting them fall back into place.

"So to answer your question, Ronald- yes, we are going to Hogsemeade. And we're going with our friends too." Hermione says with a watery smile, and the other two grin back at her.


"Hurry Luna, hurry!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

"Come on- we have to beat them!" Ron yells, clapping his hands.

Harry, Ron, and Neville stood at the end of the road, right in front of Honeydukes. The girls, Luna, Hermione, and Ginny, who was now in a happy relationship with Neville, were racing to see who could get to the finish line first.

When you got to the finish line you had to high five your boyfriend to win. Hermione, almost surprisingly, was in the lead, sprinting straight at Harry, who was beaming, with Ginny and Luna only three strides behind her.

"Hermione, I'm coming in hot!" Ginny yells.

"Eat my dust!" Hermione says back just as she high fives Harry and fistpumps the air, panting. "Looks like we won."

Ginny and Luna both high five Ron and Neville at the same time, so they had no true idea who came in second. They enter Honeydukes, since it was right there- they had all agreed to visit every single shop in all of Hogsmeade, get their final butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks, and then call it quits and head home.

They had also agreed to try and buy one of everything.

They each leave Honeydukes with a enormous bag of candy, which was filled with candies that was both their favorite, and some that they'd never head of before. Hermione drags them all into a bookstore, proceeding to buy seven books in a pristine bag. Harry shoves everyone into the Apothecary, where he looks longingly at the owls, mourning his lost one, and the others buy food for their pets. Ron tugs them into a jokeshop inspired buy his brothers, where he tears up and buys everything, everyone else doing the same. Ginny pushes the group into a broomstick selling store, where many of them buy things for their brooms. Neville then carts them all into a plant shop, where Harry buys Hermione a flower, saying that it didn't even come close to her beauty.

Finally, their fingers aching from carrying all of their bags and their feet heavy from walking all day, the group falls into the Three Broomsticks, where they sit down at an extremely large table and drink their butterbeer,laughing at the old days and old memories that they had at Hogwarts.

"Honestly, I'm sort of glad that my sixth year at Hogwarts counted- now I get to graduate with you all." Ginny says, smiling. "I mean, I would've been fine, but honestly? Graduating with my friends is much better."

Hermione frowns, taking a swipe of the foam on top of her drink. "I don't want to leave. We've made so many memories here- and besides, where else am I going to find a library this big?"

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