Chapter 1

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"Why? I was so careful with my secrets. With my precious things that were for my eyes alone. Memories that could not ever be shared or told. Thoughts that could not be said. How could this have happened? Who could have done this and left me bare and naked for the world to see?"

My name is Kathy Flemming. I am thirty-four. And I am the personal assistant to the editor at Debisher's Publishing. Currently I live in New York in an apartment with three of the best women in the world, who are my best friends. And none of them know me at all...

My name is Sarah Kathleen Hartwell. I am twenty-nine. I am currently working as a librarian,which is my dream job, and I live in beautiful New York with my best friends in the entire world. We live in a small apartment, and we mean the world to each other. We love one another like sisters. But if I were honest, these women would completely despise me if they truly knew me...

My name is Rosa Maria Santos. I am thirty-two. I am a upcoming song writer, and I live in a tiny apartment in New York with my best friends. They are the most supportive and encouraging women I've ever met. But at night I wonder if they would support me if they knew the real me...

My name is Brittany Barnes, but my friends call me Brit. I'm thirty-one. I'm in between jobs right now, but I'll work it out. I'm from Georgia, but now I live in New York with my best friends. They are the craziest, funniest, and most sincere people I know. I just wish I could be as honest with them about myself as they are with me. But if I did that I could never face them again...

The Secrets I Whispered AloudUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum