Los Angelos Rising Stars

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After walking through the campus, I only had one word to say...


That's it.


The place was gigantic.

I had been here for only five hours and I had already gotten lost four times. 

It was just that big like...wow!

There were three theatres; two for training and development and the other was a literal movie theatre. 

The performing arts library was stacked with everything; books, magazines, music, DVDs from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice to last season's Saturday Night Shakedown.

With over fifteen dance studios, ten audio & visual rooms and three state of the art filming studios, it's no wonder L.A.R.S. was the best performing arts college in the united stated.

I mean really the place was just...wow!

Students were walking around, studying on benches, there were even some people dancing on the perfectly mowed lawn in front of the main auditorium, a tall, massive, five storey building.

Walking into the main auditorium I couldn't believe my eyes. 


Once again, the word popped into my mind.

The auditorium was amazing!

The stage was a work of art!

Walking towards the front of the auditorium to get a seat, I admired the beauty of the stage's architecture.

The proscenium stage had long light blue curtains falling at the sides.The stage floors were shiny like if the had just been waxed. Next to the stage was a box with dark blue seats in it and musical stands. It looked liked if it was built for an orchestra or something. 

Just looking at the stage made me excited.

This was why I was here.

This is the true art of theater.

The theater back home could never compare to this one.

This is the real deal!

I can't wait to really get a chance to explore behind the stage.

I can't wait till I actually get a chance to perform on that stage.

I could see it already...

'' Watch where your going!'' I looked up to see a brunette in a short denim skirt and a purple turtle neck top looking at me glaringly.

I was so preoccupied in my thoughts of admiration that I didn't realize that I was walking into someone until we collided.

''Sorry'' I replied as I got up and picked up my books that fell.

''Just watch where your going next time,'' she snapped and stormed away.

'' What did you do to get that ice princess mad?'' asked a male voice next to me in an amused tone.

I turned next to me to see a tall boy with black hair and blue eyes.

He was kinda cute.

''Whatever it is I'd totally pay you to do it again.'' he chuckled.

I smiled at him and was about to reply when I heard my name being shouted,

''Leanna! Oh my God! Your going to this school to? Wow. Small world isn't it?''

I turned in the direction of the voice, only to see the girl I was sitting next to on the plane.

The Rise to FameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang