~Chapter 20~

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~Hermione's POV~

It had been a week since Ginny had the triplets Molly, James and Remus. And to say I was terrified is an understatement of the century.

"I love you." I said to my husband. We were on the edge of the forbidden forest. Even with the babies on the way, I couldn't help but feel scared, for I never got my parents minds back. " I love you, and I want you to remember that." Draco spoke. "Its just I think we need to find house before the babies are born." As he said that I held onto my stomach. Then I got a sudden pain in my stomach "I think their coming," I know I sounded hysterical, but I didn't care.

"No way." Draco couldn't believe it; the babies weren't due for another two months.

"Let's go, to the hospital wing, ahhhhh!" I barely could stand the pain at that time.

By the time we got to the hospital wing, we managed to get their in time. We were lucky; that no one was in here. Laying in the bed, the pain was clear on my face. (apparently) I screamed every five seconds, hoping the baby would shoot out easily. Though, that wasn't the case. I tried breathing excuses like the people showed us in the classes, yet, still, the contractions continued to wear me down. Then, it came. A gush of water came out of my body, causing me, and my husband to shriek.

"It's time," the healer said. "Mrs Malfoy, I'm going to need you to push."

And I listened... I pushed and pushed long and hard. An hour past before they made progress. The head finally showed. To me, the pain resembled a watermelon being pushed through a hole the size of a lemon. Good thing I was having twins, not triplets, oh well least I am not Ginny.

"This isn't good," the healer exclaimed. He widened his eyes. "It looks like something isn't right with him. It's the umbilical cord... it's wrapped around her neck." (A/N: this is Sirius.)

"Shit!" Draco shouted.

"What does that mean?!" I yelled through pushing and pain.

"If we don't get the baby out now, he is going to die."

"Can't we do anything?"

" Its to late. By the time I get ready to that the baby will be dead. I'm sorry, but we're going to have to rely on faith alone for this."

A healer, someone who studied science and only believed in the facts, had to now rely on what he could not predict, on something that science alone could not solve.

"I've got to throw up," I said. My body was hot, heavy and in pain. I felt like this nightmare would never end.

It was as if I had gone to hell and back, though the fire continued to burn. Yes, this moment was supposed to be sweet and memorable, except it wasn't. I wanted all the agonizing to end. Right here. Right now.

Everyone (except Narccissa- *A/N: I think that's how you spell it.*) hovered around me like wild animals. I needed space. I needed air. "Get this thing out of me!" I shouted, squeezing Draco's hand tightly, in which I broke. If the baby didn't leave my body soon, I might faint.

"Do you need water," Draco chanted.

"Is the position comfy enough for you?" the healer asked for the eightieth time.

"Keep pushing, you're almost there," madam promfary reminded me.

No one was really happened. All I really wanted was for them to.... "Shut up!!" I screamed, still heaving and pushing steadily. Then, entering the room was Draco's mother. I went by the bed and held up my legs to help.

"The baby its..." I said, relieved. If anyone could brighten my day it would be her, even though she is not my mother she is family now and I am grateful.

"It's fine, all you need to do is keep breathing."

"They said he has a—"

She shushed me. "I already know," she said. "Just keep pushing. Don't quit now or all of this was for nothing."

They went on like this for a while. Breathing, chanting, and pushing. It was a repeated cycle. I was feeling drowsy and was beginning to pass out. Who knew how long I had left to continue on like this.

"Please come out baby boy, I thought to myself, I held you warm in me long enough. It's time to come out and see the world.

 This is all my fault. Not only are they premature but he has a cord choking him. If this happens to my other baby I am going to cry, and give up.

But the baby didn't seem like he wanted to come out, anyway. His head popped back into my  body so quickly. Because of the blood being slippery, the healer couldn't get a good grip on the head. It wasn't until the next long push that got the job done. Half the baby exited my body and the healer was able to pull out the rest of the body.

Immediately after the doctor cut the cord from around his neck, the crying baby boy was put on my chest. Draco stood close, smiling.

"I love you," I said, looking deep into the baby's eyes. And with that, the baby went silent. No more crying, just silent.

A minute based by and the healer took the baby to clean him up and do a few tests. Meanwhile, I had another contraction and the next baby boy was being born. (A/N: Scorpius)

By the time I had both Sirius and Scorpius I  tried breastfeeding. And they were right at the end of a storm comes a rainbow.


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