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Soru39's perspective:

A selfcontained bastard. He lives to argue with people and thinks marching bands are cool. People want to kill him at points, including me and Em. But if you are me and or Em then Tina will kill you if you cross us bring it bitches.

XxDreamNow13xX's perspective:

Hmm how to start this? Well I'm not going to defy my undying love for you if that's what you think. First thing first, your mean, evil, not nice, however you want to put it ,but I have to admit you can write pretty well. Your also very constructive,Which can be a good quality, but also you can be (like stated above) mean instead of constructive. Your like Simon, off of the old American Idol, not off of Alvin and the Chipmunks.

You also think that everyone, not including you, is dumb. Which in fact is not true at all! so top acting like a,not nice word, and grow a pair. the whole world does not evolve around you so stop acting like it does. Other than that then I guess your an alright dude.

PalomaBelle's perspective:

I have no idea how to start this.

I also have no idea how to refrain from sounding creepy – so forgive me if I do.

I like you? I don’t know what you look like, I don’t know your age, I don’t know terribly much about you, but I think you are a sexy beast.

I admire your intelligence, your humour. I think it’s wonderful how you’re fascinated with forensic psychology! I love that you play instruments. I also love the things you upload on Wattpad.

By the way, I freaked out when I stumbled upon your profile – we have the same birthday :D

... So, yeah, I like you. By the way, I’m not coming onto you. I just totally appreciate you; you’re an awesome human being from what I’ve noticed :)

NeverShoutAlex's perspective:

Irtimmy is a punk ass gay fairy, and is the spawn of George clooneys asshole that got fucked with a broom. He was dropped as an egg and never recovered. Viva le abortion! He can sit and lick my shoes all day and he'd be healthier then he is now since he is so unhealthy in the brain I don't care of that doesn't make sense. Im legally high and don't give a duck. Wooooo

IBeKen's perspective:

Sure, Tim can be the most obnoxious, annoying, bitchy, opinionated person known to man kind, but he can also be, and this pains me to say so, a some-what nice guy.

Tim and I don’t usually talk on Wattpad, more on DMW (which is a facebook group made by a few wattpadders) and usually I just sit back and refresh the page as I watch him “troll” everyone else in the group, while they bitch and rage, and he’s labeled as the biggest asshole yet. Then again, as I’ve said, Tim does help us sometimes (although he usually comes back to bite us in the face about it), and sometimes h can be useful, and he has his funny/nice/actually fun to talk to days, which make us all remember why we somewhat love Tim.

I guess..

xxWhoAteMyCookiesxx's perspective:

"Ah Timmy....Tim's a good egg....yup. And he's also the property of Cookies....*stamps COOKIE on Timmy's butt* See!? :D He's my Watty Hubby! I have total dibs on him...hear that Amyscence? Hehehehe I gots dibs. >:3 Sure he's a lil strange but who isn't? Probably more normal than me...yup...yup. He's my Law&Order nerd...cause he likes talking about crime and stuff... So yeah...there ya go...Timmy's mine :D XoXo-GossipGirl"

"OK! here's my sexy poem just for you TIMMY!! *clears throat*

Thy lips is as soft as a rose petal,

and thine eyes as warm as my blood,

that burns hot like lava,

for your caress and touch

Thy hair is as soft as an angels feather,

and thy skin fresh like morning dew,

Oh how I wonder how our lord

could have made such a fine art as you

As the sun sets in the West,

and as the moon pulls the tides,

know that at the same time,

no one could adore you,

as well as I

Just_Let_Go's perspective:

Timmy. If you call him Bubbles, he'll murder you. But if he calls you some weird name, you have no choice but to take it. He loves trolling which everyone hates about him. And he can be a complete douche sometimes. Don't even TRY to pull a prank on him. Because believe me, he WILL find out. And he will get revenge (happened to me twice. I know, I'm a dumbass). I hate how he can be nice one moment and then a complete dick face the next. I hope he dies in a fire just so that I can laugh at him.

LickMyPopsicle's perspective:

Sometimes I think he's just confused with his sexuality. That's why he's so fucking weird. But then other times I think it's just severe angst that's carried on through his whole life, making him a hateful asshole with connection problems. Maybe that's why he's such an ass. Or he's an undiagnosed severe mental patient. Though I have no standing to be judgmental about that. So I think he's just an ass who has Mummy problems.

Frakkevin's perspective:

Alright this is tough to write because I get emotionally attach easily. I’m going to try to be witty and mean, but honestly there’s not much I dislike about Timmy. I think he’s funny and probably one of the few people on this site who gets my jokes. I’ve accepted a long time ago that he doesn’t read any of my work, but I’m cool with that. I met Timmy via randomly touring around on wattpad. We argued and he thought I was trying to prey on his young friend. In the end I like people who fight back so had to fan this guy. I also liked his story and think he would someday work on the set of CSI. He’s one of the very few people who I allowed to add me on Facebook. I also crown Timmy the player of wattpad because I’m pretty sure his fan club includes girls only. He seems to be very good at luring them into his trap of awesomeness. Overall though I believe online and “irl” Timmy is a cool person who deserves to breathe. He made watt-books cool and does an awesome job of making some of my annoying fans cry. If you didn’t like this Timmy…then f@ck off you c^nt.

InternetJunkie's perspective:

Timmy's fucking awesome. End of story. All right, so maybe not the end of the story. I don't talk to Timmy a lot, I can't remember how the hell I met him but I know he's cool. He's an ass, I've seen that displayed for everyone to see, but he's never been an ass to me (I'm feeling a bit left out because of that, you know?). For me, he's only been extremely supportive (that makes me feel almost special..sorta). I'm probably trashing his reputation by actually saying something nice about him.. [sorry Timmy].. But seriously, when I was on the verge of breaking down and crying like a pansy bitch, he simply posted a song, telling me that it works to make people feel better and offering himself up to listen to me bitch and complain if I ever wanted to talk to him. Hell, right now, he's making me laugh so hard at his fem-sexist jokes that it hurts! Ok.. Timmy's fucking awesome. NOW, it's End Of Story.

My perspective:

Wow that kid is a douche. I don't know what his problem is, but he seems like a troll. I mean he says he's 18 but he acts like a stuck up 12 year old.

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