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Mikayla POV:

"Thank you Mikayla that presentation was well detailed you can return to your seat now." Mrs. Choi stood up and clapped with a massive smile painted on her face. Mrs. Choi is a well respected teacher who is well known for not showing any emotions towards her students, well except for me. Ever since I accidentally did the higher paper in the exams which was meant for qualified doctors and got an A she has been in my favour. Don't even ask how they accidentally gave me the wrong paper, well let's just say never go into the wrong exam room.

"Thank you Miss" I smiled and took my laptop with me back into my seat and as always I was getting stares, and not the well done you did good stares but the are you being serious stares.

"okay class that was a bit disappointing wasn't it?" She scanned the room making eye contact with everyone.  "How long have you been in this university, almost 3 years and you have 3 more years left yet you act as if this is the first presentation you have done" she continues not even shouting but whispering yet we were all still frightened about what she was going to do with us. "Just go before I lose my temper" she said whilst rubbing her neck, "Mikayla wait there is something I want to talk to you about" she called me out before I could leave the room.

I slowly began to walk towards her worried about what she was going to say. I haven't done anything wrong and she said she liked my presentation so why am I being kept behind. I have never been kept behind.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask biting my nails. She lifts her head up and stares at me for a while.

"No your not in trouble well your future will be in trouble if you stay here" she finally speaks up in a depressing voice.

"What do you mean?" I speak up worried, I have worked hard to be where I am today, I have been through a hell lot and I would do anything for my future to be secured.

"Listen Miky, can I call you Miky?" she asks, I open my mouth to respond only for her to interrupt. "I don't care, anyways you have potential and this university is only delaying you so I have an offer for you" she says with a smile on her face. "I have a cousin in South Korea who works at a hospital in Seoul and they are looking for new foreign doctors and I want you to go" she continues.

I stand there speechless, I only have 3 years worth of education in medicine so how does she expect an unqualified doctor to go to another country and be a doctor, I mean is that even allowed?

"I know it's a lot to take in but if I were you I would take this opportunity" she grabs my shoulders and begins to vigorously shake them. "listen they are paying for the ticket all you have to do is find an apartment to stay in for a year because that's how long the course is" she lets go of my shoulders and continues to try and persuade me.

"But miss I can't even speak Korean well I know a few words from kdramas but otherwise I need subtitles" I come up with an excuse to why I shouldn't go. Its not that I don't want to go but I'm just not good at fitting in and finding new friends, I mean it took me a whole year to grow balls to actually talk to people. I'm not prepared to be alone for an entire year.

"Don't worry instead of you preparing for the end of year project come to me every day and for 2 hours I'll teach you important Korean phrases" she gets rid of my excuse. Now what I honestly can't get out of this.

"I don't think we have enough-"

"Stop coming up with useless excuses your leaving in 3 months, last week of October and anyways you're a quick learner. I mean if you are able to learn the human body then I think you can learn some Korean" she says smiling at me, "plus your parents have already agreed and the plane ticket is in your name so you have no choice" she continues and taps my shoulder, "well I'm gonna go so see you tomorrow at 2 OK" she messes up my hair and leaves me speechless and alone in her classroom.


"SOUTH KOREA FOR A WHOLE BLOODY YEAR, YOU MAD!!?" Lisa shouts getting everybody's attention. Lisa is my only friend in the university, well  she is the only student who doesn't totally hate my guts. "listen you can go if anything it makes sense I mean there is no one here holding you back" she shrugs her shoulders then picks up her bag and leaves me on the table alone.

Well she was right there is no one keeping me here so there is no point staying, everyone hates me and my only friend Lisa hardly hangs out with me because she has other friends. Do you know what I'm going to go and I'm going to be the best doctor in South Korea.

"I'M GOING TO SOUTH KOREA CUZ I'M A BEAST AT WHAT I DO!!" I shout completely forgetting that I'm not alone, everyone drops their spoons and stare at me.

"Good for you birdie now shut the fuck up!" some random guy shouts at me and that was my sign to leave.

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