drowning hurts

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Naruto's P.O.V
I was waiting with Sasuke for Sakura and Kakashi to arrive. I leaned against the railing staring at the sky thinking 'i'm bored' when I heard a 'SNAP'. All I knew was that I was falling... And I did not want to reach what was waiting for me at the bottom.


I screamed, panicked and tensed which only made the fall hurt more. When I hit the water I was full on screaming and kicking, scratching my throat and twisting in the blue river. Not that it would help though. No one can hear you scream in the water and no one can see you squirm if you sink deep enough. I could feel my lungs filling with water and heart beat slowing down. My ears we're ringing and I had become immobile. The only thing going through my head right now was 'Someone fucking help me... '

Just as I had almost lost all hope I heard the splash of someone jumping in water but I had blacked out before I saw my Savior.

Sasuke's P.O.V

It was nice and calm before the air was filled with a 'SNAP', a loud scream and the sound of someone falling in water. I looked up to see a broken bridge bridge barrier where Naruto was standing. I ran to the scene of the fall to see that Naruto must have fell in the water. I glanced down to see bubbles and ripples when I remembered: Naruto can't swim.

"Shit, Naruto... Just hold on. "

I quickly stripped myself down to just my boxers and jumped without thinking twice. Naruto was no where to be seen because the water was just too murky so I had to find him with his chakra. My lungs had been burning though and so I swam up to get air before diving back down only to find Naruto's chakra diminishing slowly. When I finally found him he was unconscious so I pulled him up and swam towards the surface.

Naruto was laying under me unconscious as I pressed my hands against his chest as a failed attempt to bring him back from oblivion. The only thing I could do now was perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation because I am smart) on him. So I gently pressed my lips on his and blew whilst pumping his chest. I had to do this multiple times before, to my absolute glee and relief, he came to. (Woke up)

"Naruto, are you OK? Do you need anything? "

Water spurted out of his mouth at an alarming rate when he woke but then all that made it out were coughs. 'Thank god' we're the only words in my head at that moment. I actually think I was crying 'cause the dobe nearly died.

I just sat there and I hugged him whilst the tears made their way down my face staining the soaked shoulders of his T-shirt.

"Don't ever do anything like that again."

When he caught his breath, he asked back "why would you care teme? " as if accusing me of not being concerned about his death.


"...It's because I love you dobe. " I admit, it did take a long time for me to say that but when I did, I was never happier in my life when he said he loved me too.

Kakashi and Sakura P.O.V

WTF? We've been standing here for a while and we were just staring at a soaking wet Naruto and Sasuke hugging on the floor.

Kakashi's P.O.V.
I blushed thinking 'what am I missing?' As I cleared my throat to gain their attention. They just stared at me with a look in their eyes saying they were glad i was here.

"What happened here?" I asked.

Sasuke replied saying that Naruto had nearly drowned to death. His tone laced with worry. I then gave them both permission to go home and rest.
Sakura stays though because she hadn't drowned though.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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