
As I'm watching cyn pace back and forth she walks out the house and walking fast to her car I'm calling after her and she's not listening she drives off omg I hope shebdoesnt do any thing stupid or get hurt I don't even know where she's going I walk in the house and king was at the bottom of the stairs

K: mommy where did mama go I wanted to play the game with her
E: she went out baby
K: is she coming back
E: yea but idk when ok
K: ok *head down walking to his room*

Oh my goodness please don't be stupid Cynthia


I hopped on my car and left to blow off some steam after what Erica told me but as I'm driving I look over to my left and I see this bitch shad driving so y'all know what I did I followed his was as I'm followinghim we pull up to a house so I park and he's getting out his in the drive way

C: aye
S: lil Chipotle bitch what you want
C: can I talk you
S: why
C: I gotta give you something from Erica
S: what
C: you gotta come and get it it's heavy
S: this shit better not take long

As he's going to the car I hop on him and start beating his was he's stupid as shit really thought I was giving him something

C: bitch you think it's ok to beat on women *kicking him* bitch ass night stay away from my son *punching him* stay away from Erica *stomping him* stay away from my family next time I hear or see you around I will have you killed do you understand
S: *coughing blood, silent and mean mugging*
C: * cocking her foot back to kick him in the face* bitch do you understand
S: *studering* yea yea alright *hands covering his face*
C: that's what I thought

I kick I'm one last time and walk to my car and drive off my knuckles hurt but o'well that bitch got what he deserved I'm still kinda mad so I'm not gonna go back to erica's house yet

7hrs later 7:00pm

It's been 6 hours since I've seen cyn
And I still don't know where she is or went no phone call, no text I tried calling her but after a while it went straight to voicemail she cut off her phone I'm I'm getting worried  hold in I think I heard the door open as I'm walking out my room I see king running and yelling so ok who it was

K: mama
C: hi my baby
K: wberevdid you go why didn't you tell me you left *hugging her*
C: I'm sorry baby I went to see some one
K: all ok, can you play the game with me
C: in about an hour you
K: ok *running off*

Well Cynthia is FINALLY back

E: where did you go
C: *silence*
E: Cynthia *sitting next to her*
C: *still nothing*
E: what happened to your hand
E: bear *whining*
E: papi
C: *she knows knows I love when she calls me papi*
E: THIA *now she knows what's up when that name comes out my mouth*
C: *o shit she's mad now she only calls me thia when she's mad or wants to get my attention* yes erica
E: where have you been I called you, you've been gone for 6 hours
C: I went out for some air
E: for six hours and your knuckles are bleeding and bruised so where were you
C: I went to visit some one
E: who
C:somebody *walking to the kitchen*
E: Cynthia fucking tell me
C: *you know what she's bout to know who runs this shit* *picks up Erica over her shoulder*
E: put me down
C: *throws her on the bed* *kissing and biting her neck
E: Cynthia *moaning*


Erica keeps yelling at me like she's in charge so I'm gonna show her ass... As im kissing her neck and rubbing her clit in circular notions she's a moaning mess right now I'm gonna play with her

E: Cynthia *moaning*
C: who the fuck are you talking to
E: ughhh... nobody
C: who runs this shit
E: you
C: you who *sticking 2 fingers in
E: c- cyn fuckkkk
E: you daddy
C: who's pussy is it
E: it's your pussy pa papi
C: you gonna stop talking crazy
E: *moaning* yes ughh shit I'm bout to cum
C: that's what I thought *taking her fingers out sucking them* you still sweet as ever baby
E: why would you do that
C: cause I wanted to you don't deserve to cum
E: *whispering* asshole I'll just have to finish myself
C: if you touch what's mine you won't walk for a month *yelling walking out the room down the hall way*

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I tried making it longer

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