Give 'Em Hell, Kid. (mcr fan fic)

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"You'r Moving?!" asked my friend Alice, in a loud voice.

All I could do was shake my head up and down. I was to numb from the shock of the news myself, making it to hard to speak. 

"Where? When? Why? Speak to me women!!" she yelled franticly shaking me by the shoulders hoping to get me to talk. 

"I don't know where, but its probably going to be terrible, as for when the end of this month my family and I start getting ready, and as for why, take a lucky guess."

"Your Stepmom? God, no Gwen I'm not letting her ruin your life anymore, first your clothes and now this?! Hell no, if that women wants to take away my best friend she is going to have to go through me!"

"Alice, what can we do? She wont listen and my dad wont help he's like a little puppy dog around her, face it we lost." 

"No, we cant give up yet, but the last bell is going to ring soon lets get you back into your prison uniform." 

    Thats what Alice and I called it 'My Prison Uniform' my Stepmom didn't like the way I dressed. It probably embarrassed her when all her rich friend's daughter wore what was "In" and expensive brands, little did they know how when there daughters went to school they wore shorts that were too short and shirts to tight. My Stepmom didn't let me wear my dark skinny jeans and band hoodies, paired with my old converse, instead she had me wear expensive name brands. But I would just change into my old clothes at school. 

When we entered the bathroom it was empty, so after I took a stall Alice started talking. "I wonder if your mom knows how the other girls here dress."

"Probably, the other day she got me a mini skirt and a shirt that had a very low v-neck."  I said as I walked out of the stall to Alice. Right as we were about to leave, someone walked into the bathroom, ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you the Wicked Witch of Jefferson High, Mindy Ryed. Also fallowed by her little blue monkey minions, I also call them spray tans gone wrong. The whole group of girls snickered. 

"Why, look it here. Me and Jessica were just talking about posers, weren't we Jess?" she said in a smug voice, god both her grammar and voice bugged me. She giggled and flicked her brunette hair.

"Are you guys goth or are you emo?" one of the girls asked in a whiny baby voice.

"Are you playing stupid, or where you really just born that way?" Alice asked, it wasn't the best comeback but she was just trying to protect us.

"Why don't you guys just do the school a favor and take your goth pity party else  where, so you can cry about your problems it's not like anyone cares." Mindy said. That caused me to loose it. I was moving in a month I might as well make it worth my while. I walked right up to Mindy and with al my force slapped her so hard my nail cut her cheek. She bent over and started bawling her eyes out. Alice and I took that as our chance to leave. 

"My hero!" Alice said and pretended to faint.

I laughed. "Come one Alice we better go-"

"You freaks are going to pay!!" Yelled Jessica as the rest were helping Mindy out of the bathroom. Drama Queen. 

I grabbed Alice's hand and we ran down the hallway, two flights of stairs and out the main front door of our school. I was panting by then.


"Bye Alice, I'll text you all the details as soon as I know." I said before I went inside my house. 

"You better!" She said. 

As I walked in the house I made a run to my room to prevent being stopped by my "Mom" . I locked my door to my sanctuary, and let out a sigh of relief. My room was painted red but it had been covered with band posters and pictures as well as artwork and magazine clippings.

"Sweetie come down please!" My Stepmom yelled. Great what did she want now, I couldn't wait for the news, note the sarcasm. 

As I entered the kitchen where my Mom and Dad were sitting. I quietly took a seat. 

"How was school Gwen?" She asked pretending to be interested. 

"Just fine Tiffany." I said smugly.

"Gwen! How rude!" My Dad said. 

"Now, Richard, it's okay I was reading in my parenting book of how young teens act out, its fine. Besides we should tell her the news." Wow, really Tiffany? You act like I'm a creature on Animal Planet. She must be in a good mood though a comment like that would have gotten me in trouble. 

"Okay Gwen, as you know we are moving due to your fathers job, but guess where we're moving?" She asked. Sure it's because of my fathers job, the one you made him get! I thought to myself. How was I supposed to know any ways.

"Where?" I asked.

"New Jersey!" She said in a happy voice.

And I know I fail at knowing my states, but one thing I know is that New Jersey is a hell of a long ways from California.


A/N: Hey People! This is my first story on wattpad and im really nervous and excited,:} excuse the improper grammar and spelling. I know its not a very good story so far but hopefully I'll get better soon. And yes this is a MCR fan fic, they'll be coming into the story soon. If you guys could fan me and/or leave a comment telling me how i could improve that would be radical:D . If you made it this far in the chapter, then thank you for bearing with me, i know its boring and short but it means a lot that you took the time to read it:'D 

Thanks a bunch! , Andy.

P.S. No copyright intended i do not own mcr or there idea's.

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