* 💖💙 Stefanie Starr 💙💖 *

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Taking the more often used route and not her usual back roads. She asked them all sorts of questions, how school was going and if they wanted to do anything on Saturday with her?

They said yes immediately, so she said let me know what you guys decide what you wanna do, I've got a free day open for you both.

She pulled up to the pack house and parked. They got out and she grabbed their bags from the trunk and passed their things to them, then she followed them inside.

Once inside, they rushed up to their rooms while she walked up to her dad's office. Stef knocked and waited until the door opened, not ever opening it herself as she done that once and caught her brother inside with a girl.

Beta Daniel smiled and said hello Stefanie, how are you? She smiled and walked in, giving him a hug as she said I'm good thanks for asking and you?

He said I'm good thanks. She nodded and looked at her dad and said kids are picked up, and delivered back home safe and sound. Saturday I'm taking them out again, they are deciding on what they want to do.

He nodded and said thank you Stefanie, you staying for dinner? She shook her head and said no but thanks for the offer. I have to pick up the baby at Amy's, she has a dinner party she needs to get to.

He sighed and said I don't know why you don't bring him when you come? Stefanie said maybe next time, I need a bigger car if I take all three out. This way, I leave Jaxton with Amy and I can protect Lora and Dustin if something happens.

He grinned and she said no, that wasn't me asking for a new vehicle. I'll deal with that issue, I was just saying. He said fine, but if I happen to have a vehicle here for you to use to take all three kids out, don't fight me on it.

She sighed and said alright, I gotta go, I'll say bye to mom on my way out. She hugged him and kissed his cheek before she hugged Beta Daniel and said see you Saturday if not sooner.

She headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Her mom smiled and she said kids are home, I bought them a few things at the mall. Now I have to head off to pick Jaxton up at Amy's or I would have stayed, I'll be back on Saturday, I'm taking Lora and Dustin out for the day.

Her mom hugged her and said bring Jaxton, I'd love to see him, maybe babysit? Stefanie nodded and said we'll see, if Amy is busy, I'll bring him. Now I have to go or she'll be pissed.

She rushed out to her car and got in. She looked around before driving away to head to Amy's. She sang to the radio as she headed down Amy's driveway.

She rushed inside, not noticing the SUV parked by the side of the house. She hummed to the song that she turned off on the radio and headed upstairs. She opened the door to the nursery and soon had Jaxton at her breast as she sighed with relief.

She kissed his head and rocked him in the chair as her son was a hungry baby. Once he was fed and changed, she put him in his car seat and grabbed his bag before going to look for Amy.

She found her in the living room, then noticed they had company. She called out from the hallway and said I've got Jaxton and leaving, thanks so much Amy. Talk to you later girl.

She headed out the door, closing it behind her and soon had Jaxton's seat belted in then got in herself. She drove away and headed to her home.

She'd turned off the radio as she pulled up to the condo development she lived in. She parked in her stall and grabbed her bags then took her son inside. Once he was inside, she went back out and locked her car up and headed inside, locking up and set her security alarm.

After putting Jaxton down in his crib, she headed to her room and changed clothes before heading downstairs to fix herself something to eat.

After eating and cleaning up, she turned off all the lights and walked up to her room. Later, she got out of her bath and dried off before getting dressed for bed.

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